Sunday, June 8, 2008

Gas Prices...

All I can say is - thank goodness I live in Manhattan and don't need to own a car. City living looks PRETTY GOOD to some of you suburbanites right about now - doesn't it?!?


Marker said...

Don't encourage them, DDust!

kayce. said...

lol, i say the SAME thing, david... =)

Timmy said...

LOL I'm going to steal this and put it on my blog. I noticed this morning that in NoRO the price of gas is $4.01 - $4.05! And this is in The Energy Capital of the U.S.

Be glad you live in a city that is compact and has good mass transit.

Unknown said...

Nope, sorry, I will still live 'in the country' and forgo city-life. I've lived in the city before, and am glad that phase of my life is over!

Anonymous said...

Yer durn tootin'. I still have dreams of living in NYC...just loved it there; but teaching brought me here. Still, I wouldn't trade my house and gardens for the SRO I had, or evenings at the fire pit,or 4th of July watching fireflies.
Still my car sits in the yard most of the time now. Still got to have gas for the mower, snowblower, etc. My the grass is getting high this year! lol Love the gas sign.

Angel said...

oh yes it does! Make room onvyour couch Tranny...I'm movin in!!

David Dust said...

Beth - I got room for you. And we could go out every night and harrass the Papis!


SailorAlphaCentauri said...

I'm looking forward to being back in school, where the campus buses are adequate enough to keep me from having to drive.

Angel said...

oh honey, those Papis wouldn't know what hit 'em!!!! I can be BBAAAADDDDDDDD sometimes! ;) But oh so good.

Susan @ SGCC said...

You are so right. My car requires the WTF gas and it is killing me! My husband has a cute little Prius hybrid and it only costs about $25 to fill up. I steal that car every chance I get!

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