Happy Birthday to Kayce AKA Chef the City. Her birthday was Sunday – and yesterday’s Ryan Lochte post was in honor of her - even if she DID email me the details of her recent meal at ARBY'S! Taunting me like that is just mean... :)
Speaking of birthdays, still no word from yesterday’s birthday boy Dan. His good friend Jimbo was supposed to keep us informed, and yet we get NOTHING. Thanks a lot guys… :) Anywhoo – I hope Dan is having fun, wherever he is.
My darling Jennie is close to 500 posts at her blog: Preteens, Toddlers, and Newborns OH MY! In honor of this milestone, she’s giving away tons of free crap (well, not really CRAP – good stuff!). So go visit her blog, make a comment, tell her how funny and fierce she is, and maybe you’ll get some crap, er… NAIL POLISH.
Top Design (Bravo’s answer to HGTV’s Design Star) will take the Top Haircut/Shear Genius spot on Wednesday’s at 10:00 pm after the Shear Genius finale. Our darling friend Laura K sent us over a preview of one of the hot designtestants – Preston Lee. Thanks Laura!!
Speaking of birthdays, still no word from yesterday’s birthday boy Dan. His good friend Jimbo was supposed to keep us informed, and yet we get NOTHING. Thanks a lot guys… :) Anywhoo – I hope Dan is having fun, wherever he is.
My darling Jennie is close to 500 posts at her blog: Preteens, Toddlers, and Newborns OH MY! In honor of this milestone, she’s giving away tons of free crap (well, not really CRAP – good stuff!). So go visit her blog, make a comment, tell her how funny and fierce she is, and maybe you’ll get some crap, er… NAIL POLISH.
Top Design (Bravo’s answer to HGTV’s Design Star) will take the Top Haircut/Shear Genius spot on Wednesday’s at 10:00 pm after the Shear Genius finale. Our darling friend Laura K sent us over a preview of one of the hot designtestants – Preston Lee. Thanks Laura!!

Speaking of Shear Genius (and Laura K) – I will be sharing some exiting news with you all very soon - STAY TUNED!
And speaking of Design Star – Mikey V sat down with AfterElton after he spoke to us. It seems that Mikey and HGTV still aren’t seeing eye-to-eye - read it here.

If you have anything you'd like to share, send me an email at daviddust@gmail.com.
Thank you for the mention, sweetheart! You're too good to me. And I'm dying to hear about Dan's Birthday Extravaganza!
You would think with my design background, girl I would watch Top Design,but no,it's all because of the scorching HOT Preston!!I do believe the temperture just went up!Anywho,I think he may be the hottest guy to grace a realitly show.He's just adorable.
Thank you for the all of the tidbits. Did they say if Todd Oldham (yawn, double yawn)was returning to Top Design? I too adored Portia's dress thanks for the comment. We are in the middle of Tropical Storm Fay down here in South Florida so the children have no school. Am I a bad mom if they watch television and play playstation all day? Can't wait for tomorrow night. So looking forward to the Drag Queen challenge. Later Tater.
Tivo Mom -
No Todd Oldham (yawn). India Hicks is the new host. I guess I should google "India Hicks" sometime soon and figure out who the Hell she is...
And no - you are not a bad Mom. I think in the Mom handbook it gives you a free pass for unlimited TV/Playstation on Hurricane Days. And it keeps the kids out of your hair!
I am so dying to know how Dan is doing!!! It's killing me!!!
and I need your address TRanny.....hmmmmmm......
love this post... well, I love all your posts... I cannot wait to get the scoop!!
Preston IS hot, no question!
And, a little correction - Todd Oldham is acting as mentor a la Tim Gunn. India Hicks is taking over his hosting duties.
And you KNOW you're going to want to work your magic on this show! Your friends at Bloggingtopdesign.blogspot.com want you!
Thanks for the updates and tidbits. I especially liked the Mikey V article, and am really thinking HGTV screwed up and can't figure out how to spin it. Asshats.
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