The U.S. men's gymnastic team showing off their hot bods and Olympic bronze medals.
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its all about ryan lochte... how bout him on white meat monday, LOL.
And they're all bendy! So cool.
I LOVE watching mens gynmastics. Oh, those upper bodies, make me wanna hollah!
Mark :-)
chef the city,
You are RIGHT! It is all about RYAN LOCHTE!
Mary me, Raj. You da man!
i heart men's gymnastics. i was a gymnast once... until i had a 9" growth spurt in 3 months... yeah. don't see too many 6' gymnasts out there!
I wouldn't kick a single one of these guys outta bed for eating crackers. (never mind if 2 are a bit on the young side)
Oh my! That's going to get saved when I get home from work.
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