Today marks my one year blogiversary! On August 22nd, 2007, I began this journey with the following post:
This is my first post. I hope this shit works.
Posted by David Dust at 5:23 PM
Pure poetry, yes? I know… and it’s been downhill ever since…
I started DavidDust exactly 4 days prior to my 40th birthday. I had been reading political blogs since before the mid-term elections of 2006. I had also stumbled across blogs with pictures of hot men like MostProper and Hoodsworld. But then I discovered Joe.My.God – a blog written by a gay New Yorker about New York and gay issues. He seemed to be having a good time with his blog, and his readers were (and are) extremely loyal – some commenting on almost every post. Joe.My.God made me want to start my own blog. So I did.
First of all, I needed a name. I wasn’t feeling very creative, so I happened upon a Band Name Maker. Yes, this is what you would use if you and a couple of buddies started a rock band in your basement. I typed in the word “David” – and out came a list of potential Band Names. One of them was “David Dust”. It sounded like “Fairy Dust” to me, so that’s the name I chose. Although I kind of like some of the other choices:
Fried David
Godless David
Nose of the David Nurse, or
David Queer – but I’d been called that enough in Middle School.
So “DavidDust” it was. At first I had no idea what I wanted to blog about. In fact, I thought I would simply write about my experiences turning 40 years old. I know: BORING! So I decided to post a couple of pictures of a hot Papi I saw on MostProper – and I called him the Daddy of the Day. To this day, HotDeiselLat is still one of my favorites.
Almost immediately I figured out that I would post pictures and stories about things I found interesting. I decided to create the perfect blog – for ME, and no one else. If other people liked it, that simply meant they shared my incredibly good taste. So that’s what I did, posted pictures of hot (usually Latin) guys, and other tidbits.
That was until November 15, 2007 – the day after Project Runway Season 4 premiered.
I had watched Project Runway the night before, and was immediate struck by how much Christian Siriano reminded me of “Mango” – the SNL character played by Chris Kattan. I did a blog search of other bloggers who had written about PR, and commented on their blogs about my “find”. My Mango post got some comments, and some recognition from other bloggers. Well, if you give me some attention, FORGET ABOUT IT, I’m going to keep doing whatever it was you gave me attention for. Positive reinforcement works that way, you know.
So the following week, while at my Dad’s house for Thanksgiving, I watched Project Runway and took some notes – and the following day I posted my “thoughts” on DavidDust. By week 3, I was doing full recaps. And people were starting to read them and make comments! I was in heaven.
I have to say, I completely fell into this recap thing by accident. I had studied journalism in college (although my degree ended up being in the generic “General Arts & Sciences”), and I considered myself a decent writer – but I never wrote anything. I never really wanted to write anything. I never even THOUGHT about writing anything.
Well, Project Runway recaps led to Top Chef (Moana Lisa!), Step It Up and Dance (Sexy Papi Michael Silas!), and Design Star (Mikey V!) recaps. I have been able to improve my writing and entertain myself and others. And some of you came on board as a result of one show or another and never left.
Therefore, the focus of my blog can be summed up into my simple tag line: “Hotties, Recaps, and Gay Stuff”. Simple as that.
My Dust Bunnies are too numerous to mention individually – I would be afraid I’d leave somebody out. You know who you are – if you’ve made a comment, sent me an email, talked to me on the phone, or met me in person – you are a Dust Bunny and therefore a friend. I wake up every day looking forward to hearing from you.
But there are two people I must single out for special recognition. DavidDust is what it is today because of these two wonderful individuals – Beth and Joy.
TrannyBeth and I bonded over Project Runway. We soon became “best girlfriends”, and I could always count on her to comment on my posts. For those non-bloggers out there, you won’t understand this – but comments are pure gold. It is instant gratification. Comments are an acknowledgement of good (or bad) work. I can always count on Beth to make comments and make me smile. I always say: Beth made blogging FUN for me. That is why she is the “Empress of the Dust Bunnies”.
The other person I’d like to recognize is my Darling Joy (AKA “Auntie Flame”). As a semi-retired teacher, she always complimented and encouraged my writing – before I even realized I WAS writing. Joy is also quick with a cute comment – but her encouragement of my writing made me want to write more. Because of this, I would like bestow upon Joy her own title: “Grand Duchess of the Dust Bunnies”. Wear your crown in good health, my darling.
So, thank you to EVERYONE for giving me a great Year One. Now let’s start Year Two…
Pure poetry, yes? I know… and it’s been downhill ever since…
I started DavidDust exactly 4 days prior to my 40th birthday. I had been reading political blogs since before the mid-term elections of 2006. I had also stumbled across blogs with pictures of hot men like MostProper and Hoodsworld. But then I discovered Joe.My.God – a blog written by a gay New Yorker about New York and gay issues. He seemed to be having a good time with his blog, and his readers were (and are) extremely loyal – some commenting on almost every post. Joe.My.God made me want to start my own blog. So I did.
First of all, I needed a name. I wasn’t feeling very creative, so I happened upon a Band Name Maker. Yes, this is what you would use if you and a couple of buddies started a rock band in your basement. I typed in the word “David” – and out came a list of potential Band Names. One of them was “David Dust”. It sounded like “Fairy Dust” to me, so that’s the name I chose. Although I kind of like some of the other choices:
Fried David
Godless David
Nose of the David Nurse, or
David Queer – but I’d been called that enough in Middle School.
So “DavidDust” it was. At first I had no idea what I wanted to blog about. In fact, I thought I would simply write about my experiences turning 40 years old. I know: BORING! So I decided to post a couple of pictures of a hot Papi I saw on MostProper – and I called him the Daddy of the Day. To this day, HotDeiselLat is still one of my favorites.
Almost immediately I figured out that I would post pictures and stories about things I found interesting. I decided to create the perfect blog – for ME, and no one else. If other people liked it, that simply meant they shared my incredibly good taste. So that’s what I did, posted pictures of hot (usually Latin) guys, and other tidbits.
That was until November 15, 2007 – the day after Project Runway Season 4 premiered.
I had watched Project Runway the night before, and was immediate struck by how much Christian Siriano reminded me of “Mango” – the SNL character played by Chris Kattan. I did a blog search of other bloggers who had written about PR, and commented on their blogs about my “find”. My Mango post got some comments, and some recognition from other bloggers. Well, if you give me some attention, FORGET ABOUT IT, I’m going to keep doing whatever it was you gave me attention for. Positive reinforcement works that way, you know.
So the following week, while at my Dad’s house for Thanksgiving, I watched Project Runway and took some notes – and the following day I posted my “thoughts” on DavidDust. By week 3, I was doing full recaps. And people were starting to read them and make comments! I was in heaven.
I have to say, I completely fell into this recap thing by accident. I had studied journalism in college (although my degree ended up being in the generic “General Arts & Sciences”), and I considered myself a decent writer – but I never wrote anything. I never really wanted to write anything. I never even THOUGHT about writing anything.
Well, Project Runway recaps led to Top Chef (Moana Lisa!), Step It Up and Dance (Sexy Papi Michael Silas!), and Design Star (Mikey V!) recaps. I have been able to improve my writing and entertain myself and others. And some of you came on board as a result of one show or another and never left.
Therefore, the focus of my blog can be summed up into my simple tag line: “Hotties, Recaps, and Gay Stuff”. Simple as that.
My Dust Bunnies are too numerous to mention individually – I would be afraid I’d leave somebody out. You know who you are – if you’ve made a comment, sent me an email, talked to me on the phone, or met me in person – you are a Dust Bunny and therefore a friend. I wake up every day looking forward to hearing from you.
But there are two people I must single out for special recognition. DavidDust is what it is today because of these two wonderful individuals – Beth and Joy.
TrannyBeth and I bonded over Project Runway. We soon became “best girlfriends”, and I could always count on her to comment on my posts. For those non-bloggers out there, you won’t understand this – but comments are pure gold. It is instant gratification. Comments are an acknowledgement of good (or bad) work. I can always count on Beth to make comments and make me smile. I always say: Beth made blogging FUN for me. That is why she is the “Empress of the Dust Bunnies”.
The other person I’d like to recognize is my Darling Joy (AKA “Auntie Flame”). As a semi-retired teacher, she always complimented and encouraged my writing – before I even realized I WAS writing. Joy is also quick with a cute comment – but her encouragement of my writing made me want to write more. Because of this, I would like bestow upon Joy her own title: “Grand Duchess of the Dust Bunnies”. Wear your crown in good health, my darling.
So, thank you to EVERYONE for giving me a great Year One. Now let’s start Year Two…
I love you guys.
Congratulations! Thanks for the recaps.
Congratulations, David for this year in blog. I see you the next year...jeje!!
Thank you for that trip down memory lane. I love that I have your blog to go to every day. Thank goodness for our good (or bad whichever way you look at it) taste in reality television. Happy 1 year!
Has it only been a year? It's hard to remember the internet before DD!
While you're bestowing titles, doesn't this make Mama Bunny, the Queen Mother?
Happy blogiversary to you! Congratulations on creating such wonderfully entertaining, thoughtful, and "stimulating" material. After your NOLA trip, maybe you can save up for a computer. There are some good prices on them now.
I hadn't thought of myself as semi-retired until you pointed it out. I guess I am. It was unintentional and just crept up on me like your writing career did with you.
Thank you so much for your kind words. Many people are glad you write, so I'm delighted that my encouragement helped.
You are a sweetie, and I'm glad I know you. :-)
Grand Duchess - I like that.
Love you! Love your blog birthday! xoxoxoxoxo
awww, Hon...YOU make blogging fun. Seriously. You know how...when you meet someone and you feel l ike you've known that person FOREVER and you "click"....THAT WAS YOU FOR ME!!!!! And when we talked on the phone?..I felt like I have ALWAYS been talking to you on the phone, and you KNOW I hate to talk on the phone! ;)
You are such an important part of my life...my kids call you Uncle Tranny, I tell them you're my Gay Boyfriend and they know JUST who I'm talking about.
You are a part of my family and I love you dearly.
Darling Grand Duchess -
I really mean it - THANK YOU.
TrannyBeth -
Right back at ya! Thanks for being you - because YOU are fabulous.
OMG DD! I had no idea that you have been blogging for only a year. The Calvinator sends you a big sloppy kiss from Houston along with a tail wag.
And I didn't know that you are Tranny Beth met via the blogosphere. I figured y'all were longtime friends.
I was trying to think how I even discovered David Dust. It must have been through another blog (that I don't read anymore because you keep me so entertained).
Keep up the good work and thanx for the laughter!
yay DD! Keep it up! I am always looking forward to peeping your mens while looking out over my shoulder in my cube farm... you find photos so delectable, i'm always in awe! felicidades!
You are a friend in my head...Keep doing what you do.
Your friends @ SpoilTheEnding.TV
Happy Blogiversary David
Keep it up! You're a wonderful writer.
Anniversary Drinks on me next week at this time!
Happy blogaversary! May you blog for many years to come!
Happy Blogaversary DavidDust! You probably already know this, but I'm here via Beth, and MY birthday is in August, too!!!!!
Bina -
I always knew you were fierce too!
Happy Blogiversary!!! I don't even watch Project Runway, but I read Beth's blog and I pop over here occasionally just to get a look at what you have to say.....you keep me laughing.
BTW, I have an August b'day too. All the hip kids are doing it....
LB checking in to wish you a Happy Anniversary!!
I love your re-caps and think you are one of the best bloggers around. I am hoping you will be doing Top Design...maybe????.
Hope your cat is feeling better and a Hi to your delightful mom!
LB Anon
Empress and Grand Duchess- I know at least Joy will pump up some. And you know I am here because Joy talked about you so much in email that I just had to check this business out.
Happy Blogiversay!
YEAH FOR YEAR TWO!!! as you know, i came on board @ top chef time and sweet jeebus i am glad i did! i am sending you a blogiversary email and i hope you enjoy it mightily...
Happy Blogiversary to you!!!Here's to 30 more years of papi's, Arby's and blogs!And I have laughed every minute.
Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more years of laughter and recaps! Oh, and papis. Not that I look at them. Well, much anyway.
Happy BlogBirthday David! I may not always have time to comment but I always read. Thanks for the great recaps.
Awwww! Happy Blogiversary to YOU! And Congradugoddamnlations!
You're the bestest Dust Bunny Master Ev-AR!
Many xoxoxoxo's & keep those hot Papi's coming....er...that sounded wrong, butyouknowwhatImean. ;)
A dedicated dust bunny,
happy blogiversary!!! ... sacto floyd and i so much enjoy the fun you bring to our west coast existence. we will continue to virtually stalk you! we heart you!
Congratulations on your first year and here's to many more. Your recaps are already stuff of legend!
Happy Blogiversary, David Dust.
I never mentioned this before but for some reason, your blog is the first one I've ever read. I was looking for info on one of the contestants of Design Star and you popped up! And I'm so very glad you did.
You see, I lost my Mom in February after a long illness. We were very close and shared a warped and sarcastic sense of humor. I've been really down and out. Not sleeping much. Dreaming awful dreams when I do sleep. Lately though, laughing out loud at your words has really made a difference, especially in light of Mama Bunny's obvious connection with you. Give that hilarious woman a big hug after you read this, please. She's a gem!
I probably should have sent this to you in an email or something, but I think it might be a good thing for folks to know how we can sometimes really help others, even when we don't know.
The sleeping is getting better and the dreams are starting to be happy memories of Mom. I hope that you'll keep doing what you do and know that you really made a big difference in what has been a really shitty year so far.
Love ya!
YAY! Congratulations on your 1 year blogiversary! Champagne for everybody!
Cheers, darling. Here's to many more. Thanks for the chuckles!
Wow, I am such a bad fan I managed to miss this post and blogiversary. I will say I am shocked it has only been a year, so I have been around for much of it! You did get me hooked on PR posts, and I have been hear ever since. You are just wonderful, and I can't wait to celebrate more!
Damn it, how does one write a cheer?
Anyway, WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy blogging anniversary!
I'm a (few) day(s) late and a dollar short, again, but I'm cheering so loud I'm pretty sure you can hear it in New York. Yes, I'm loud like that. That's how I roll.
Happy 1 year blogiversary!!! You developed your style quickly and with a vengence. No reality show is safe!
Keep up the excellent work!
Mark :-)
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