The Westboro "Church" was set on fire recently; unfortunately only minor damage was done. Not surprisingly, Fred Phelps and his hateful band of crazies DEMONSTRATED AGAINST THE FIRE FIGHTERS WHILE THEY WERE PUTTING OUT THE FIRE! See the video/story at Joe.My.God here. Cue 80's music: "The roof, the roof, the roof is ON FIRE! We don't need no water, let the mother-fucker BURN! BURN, mother-fucker BURN!!!

These are the same assholes that protest at fallen soldier's funerals. As Joe says: these idiots are the BEST thing to happen to gay rights, ever. People see these asshats, and realize how ridiculous and pointless it is to hate. - just for hate's sake.

So keep up the great work - you CRAZY CRACKERS!!!

God, what is the MATTER WITH PEOPLE???!!!! wow....ignorance is bliss, I guess.
This is exactly why I wnat to move to an island in the Pacific somewhere, with my family, my dogs, my Tranny(and a few Papis) and my magazines....just get away from the world.
i heart that this nutbag thinks his 'church' = a 'worldwide stage'... what's that first sign of insanity again? oh, yeah... not being able to place your importance in the world appropriately (bill o'reilly suffers this, too, shocker). i <3 the 'white people are crazy' pic too... saved it. :)
I wonder when the Westboro "Church" members are going to realize they are the only ones going to hell.
What's even worse is how they recruit children into their insanity. That's definitely abuse! Let's send all those people to Gitmo.
I like them. They just help regular, middle America see our side as rational.
It's like getting crabs from a toilet seat. Unpleasant, but a helpful reminder of what's out there.
This is a damn shame in our society. . .
One of my favorite indie singers, Eric Himan, wrote and performs a song dedicated to these people.
He does use a naughty word in the song, so the sensitive ones beware.
He lives with his boyfriend in the land of Phelps, so knows of which he speaks.
This is making my head hurt. "Let's protest the very people who are trying to save our piece of crap church."
Wow. How do people like this sleep at night?
You just have to trust that karma will come back and bite these f*ckers in the ass.
Mark :-)
OMG! I love the sign that "God hates F** enablers" because hag would be crossing the line, right?
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