I have surfaced from my Bacardi Limon haze (for a moment, anyway) to say thank you for all your support. Yesterday I thought I had made a HORRIBLE decision - but today I realize I did the right thing.
After moderating 32 comments (many from people who have never commented) I realize how lucky I really am - on so many levels.
My darling Zombie Mom called my NEW vacation a "staycation", but it's more like a "drunkinmyapartmentcation". And that's MUCH better than running from a Hurricane.
XOXOXOXOXOXOXO ... hiccup! ... burp!
Glad your coming out of your haze in time to enjoy the weekend! Check out my blog for a great bloody mary recipe, that's I'm enjoying here in Houston instead of on the streets of NOLA! Gustav bites! Hope you can salvage the rest of your holiday weekend and scare up some fun in NYC! All of us who evacuated NOLA are gonna be rested up and rarin' to go in Houston tomorrow!
David - you have no idea! I have been updating my escape from Nola on my blog. FYI - your hotel kicked everyone to the curb Saturday night.
I havnt slept in 24hrs since I didnt think I had to go untill later today. Oh well, It will be another amazing story to tell.
We did manage to have a hurricane party before all hell started to break loose.
My hotel was the hotel that CNN was staying in so it was busteling with excitement!
David Dust. I am so glad you didn't go to NOLA this weekend. I'm hearing from folks who went and have returned or are on their way back. When the Mayor tells you to get your butt out of town otherwise you're on your own...well that tells me the party is over.
You are better off enjoying your drunkinmyapartmentcation than standing in a line a mile long at the airport trying to evacuate (with no cocktail in your hand).
I am so glad you are feeling better about your decision. I was worried about you when I saw they were evacuating New Orleans and came by your blog to check on you.
Enjoy your staycation! Maybe you should start a Northern Decadence in New York. Invite some wonderful Papis over and...
I will leave the rest in your capable hands. ;-)
Hey David-
Thanks for the hugs and your loyal readers send them right back to you!!! Relax, have fun and have a drink for me.
Hug to your kitty and Hi to your mom (who is also probably very happy about your decision)!
LB Anon
i thought the same thing yesterday... my fam/friends are in pensacola, fl, and my friend emma called me to see if you had decided to stay home b/c they were predicting cat 4. i told her yes and that you were upset but you obv made the right decision. and a stayvacation is sometimes better (and more restful) than a 'real' vacation.
I am glad that you are safe. I used to eat at the Arby's - shit was it on 57th or 56th I think between B'Way & 7th ish - so long ago. Ahyway, your mention of Arby's under your photo triggered memories of ny Manhattan years.
Dan is on his way home. He got to St. Louis, now Luis is driving down to pick him up. It's too bad this storm wrecked the plans of so many people.
Here's hoping you're enjoying your weekend in NYC and your vodka. Cheers!
Just have to let you know - I went on a day trip with my bff today - and on the way there, I was telling her about your blog, how I love it, blah blah blah, and about your hot daddies of the day. Well, we got so distracted talking about your hot men, we missed our exit. Damn.
So, if your ears were ringing this morning - we were talkin' 'bout you and your blog (and awesome taste in men).
hey Tranny, I'm SOOOO glad that you didn't listen to me and get on that plane. I've been worried sick about you....you didn't call me back! Are you mad at me? ;)
Save some Limon for me, will ya? I'm glad that you're safe and at home...no naked go-go boy is worth all that!!!
so glad you went with your womans intuition:) hell, if it had been me, I'd be liquored up in the French Quarter wondering where everyone had gone? come visit us in Houston sometime...
Well, you were right on the money to stay home and even though you only got a "staycation," I'm still jealous. I will turn 40 on Saturday and still no plans.
My children's school district is already calling for extra subs should the need arise (again) for taking transfer students from Louisiana. I've been praying for a good outcome for all of us. The students who came to our school from Katrina went through such harrowing experiences.
I am so happy you stayed at home!!! Seriously, glad that you are safe.
Staycations are apparently very in vogue this year. Glad you are home and happy - perhaps hungover - but in danger of nothing more than a headache and the compelling craving for greasy food.
Girl- be glad you didn't go now! On Thrusday,I was looking on the bright side and thought it would blow over. I always look on the bright side. Thank God you now didn't go. We have been in the same haze here also. It must be from the same Limon storm cloud!!
My girl always has a way with words.
I used Terrabrowser to visit New Orleans - from satellite right down to street level and traveled the length of Bourbon street. I don't know when they took the photos, but it was boarded up and deserted except for one kid walking across the street. Amazing service.
I am still glad you didn't go and spend all that money for nothing but angst and wonder about how to get the hell out of there. Nothing like the comfort of a good home drunk for us loners- then our mouths don't go on honesty trips and get us in trouble. We can drink all we want. LOL
Glad you are safe. It seems you made the right decision, and we Dust Bunnies can be thought to try to lead you astray at times. I hope your staycation was as restful as possible, and that you will be able to take a great vacation soon.
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