The 'rumor' was true. Mikey V was NOT included in the Design Star finale. Host Clive Pearse simply stated at the beginning of the show: "Mikey V is not with us". Why didn't he tell the truth: "HGTV is afraid of alienating its conservative viewers, so we kicked the controversial fag to the curb". To which I respond: "Fuck off, HGTV".
I have been corresponding with a friend of Mikey's, who had purchased a non-refundable plane ticket to go to Nashville with Mikey - along with other friends and family. Less than two weeks before the taping of the finale, Mikey had to tell his friends and family to cancel their (non-refundable) tickets. Because Mikey wasn't allowed talk about the show AT ALL, he couldn't even give his loved-ones an explanation. Unfortunately, I couldn't get anyone to confirm or deny this (I emailed HGTV and others) - so I didn't post this information, until now.
That is just SHADY. Mikey V made a mistake when he was young (who HASN'T?) - and HGTV now doesn't want anything to do with him. This shouldn't surprise anyone, if you use the word "gay" on the HGTV message boards, your post must be "reviewed" - and never ends up getting published. To HGTV, gay = "curse word".
There will be no recap of the finale - I am pissed, and don't feel like promoting HGTV anymore.
Congratulations to Jennifer on being named Design Star. Too bad you have to be on HGTV.
I have been corresponding with a friend of Mikey's, who had purchased a non-refundable plane ticket to go to Nashville with Mikey - along with other friends and family. Less than two weeks before the taping of the finale, Mikey had to tell his friends and family to cancel their (non-refundable) tickets. Because Mikey wasn't allowed talk about the show AT ALL, he couldn't even give his loved-ones an explanation. Unfortunately, I couldn't get anyone to confirm or deny this (I emailed HGTV and others) - so I didn't post this information, until now.
That is just SHADY. Mikey V made a mistake when he was young (who HASN'T?) - and HGTV now doesn't want anything to do with him. This shouldn't surprise anyone, if you use the word "gay" on the HGTV message boards, your post must be "reviewed" - and never ends up getting published. To HGTV, gay = "curse word".
There will be no recap of the finale - I am pissed, and don't feel like promoting HGTV anymore.
Congratulations to Jennifer on being named Design Star. Too bad you have to be on HGTV.
HGTV can suck it. If they weren't going to include Mikey V then they should have at least been honest about it.
It's a good thing for them that the viewers chose the winner and not HGTV otherwise there would have been a lot of questions about why Matt didn't win. Congrats to Jennifer but I'm disappointed Matt lost.
I agree with you and posted most of it on the previous post. I like many of the shows on HGTV but am so disappointed in them for banning Mikey V. Clive just glossed over it. This totally sucks!!
I kept the TV on while I was posting and just noticed that Sparkle Josh is judging a show that the anorexic DS judge and Vern are competing on. How weird is that? Summer Showdown is the title.
Darling Joy -
Summer Whatever is on my TV now also - but I REFUSE to promote anything HGTV-related...
Oh, I totally understand and agree! I won't promote them any more, either. Tonight is the last time I'll mention them.
Thank goodness we still have Bravo, but I can't think about Project Runway.
What a bunch of bullshit. Matt deserved to win and not including Mikey V has left a bad taste in my mouth for HGTV.
Wow. I never watched HGTV, but having seen your recaps I was considering watching next time.
I certainly won't now!
Holy cow.
(gritting my teeth and speechless) simply put, bummed that matt didn't win ... and hgtv totally bites.
WHAT??? omg, i had no idea about the post-thingie... that is soooo crazy and i am glad as hell i never actually watched the show, just read your recaps. i am kinda even pissed i went to the site to vote: thats advert dollars for these assholes. thanks again, dd, for keeping me posted on who i should be boycotting. in the words of kathy griffin, hgtv 'can suck it'!
I'm done with HGTV. That's it. So he made a porno....SO WHAT!!!!! Goodness!!!
and while I didn't really watch Design Star....I still wanted Matt to win, just for you, Tranny.
I'm over HGTV.
Everything about last night's show was a disappointment! Matt should have won! If ANYTHING, Mikey V's absence should have included more of an explanation. AND on top of it, HGTV should be refunding those tickets to Mikey's family and friends. That was just plain WRONG WRONG WRONG!
Hey DD!
I knew i would find answers here! I was wondering what was going on when I sorta watched the finale.
I just blogged it, and my thoughts, and I sent anyone who wants to know more here, because you have all the best information!!
I'm just glad that summer is almost over because it has been wrecking my blogging schedule!
a TAMMmommy's mind
You know what I find amusing is that HGTV had no problems showing Mikey V in the outtakes and flashbacks (a lot). I agree that everyone makes mistakes and in all honesty plenty of people (except those of us that use David Dust as our news person) probably did not know (or care) what Mikey had done but after last night many will do the research. It became more of an "elephant in the room" not having him there.
Anyway, I am back from vacation and wanted to thank you for keeping me up to date on everything while I was away. I have read all of the Project Runway posts as well and am just getting back into things.
Later tater.
Tivo Mom
Tivo Mom -
I JUST posted a comment on your blog, as you were commenting on mine!!
Glad you're back. Also, you should see how many "hits" my blog is getting from people googling "why wasn't mikey v at the design star finale?" or words to that effect. I think they owe their viewers an explanation.
Last night's show was such a disappointment, on so many levels.
I even ended up watching that Summer Showdown show right after Matt got ripped off...and I want that hour of time back too!
I never could stand this up tight network anyway,and I even have a degree in interior design.The network always reminded me of a network for the "Lily Pultizers "sitting home with a conservative finger up their asses.It doesn't surprise me in the least that he got treated like this.I'm with you girl!
Doodness Dwaicous!!!
....just when I thought those anger management classes were starting to help you.
Mama Bunny
I watched the final, was disappointed in Mikey V not being there - shame on you HGTV - and then for Matt not winning, for I really thought his renovation was far better.
I'm shocked at HGTV's behavior towards Mikey V and his family for not including him and (by adding insult to injury) putting a gag order on him so he couldn't tell anyone why they were no longer welcome to the finale. I'm not happy that Matt lost because I thought he was the better of the two designers, but since most people who win shows like these are underutilized by their respective networks, it's more HGTV's loss than anything.
I have no idea why this network would be so uptight about homosexuality. Were they really going to offend so many people because Mikey V did a tape a long time ago? No. I think the very least they can do is refund the plane ticked money. Honestly, I think the network should be pressured into giving refunds because that's utter bullshit that you would do that to someone and pretend like nothing happened. Shame on you, HGTV.
Finally saw an episode and it was the finale. didn't like the host or judges or the format. Always waiting waiting waiting for that annoying announcer.
Odd that youthful mistakes are never forgiven in the straight world. Exception: Tracy Lords. But I'm not so sure it was a mistake. I like porn and a chance to see beautiful people "do it,and at 66 being sort of out of reach, am grateful these young people share their bodies.
To Mistress Madie:
I need a spankin!
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