I am scheduled to fly to New Orleans tomorrow morning and return on Tuesday afternoon for Southern Decadence weekend. Everything points to Gustav building strength in the Gulf of Mexico - and then hitting the coast SOMEWHERE toward the end of the weekend. New Orleans continues to be in the center of this "cone of uncertainty".
I am so conflicted. Do I go, have fun for two nights, and then get "evacuated" on Sunday? Will I be able to buy anything (bottled water, etc) at any of the stores once I get there? Will the locals who work in New Orleans start getting the hell out of town - leaving hotels/restaurants/bars understaffed? Will the crowds, which make Southern Decadence weekend fun, even show up?
I have already read that the transit system in New Orleans will stop on Friday - so buses can be available for possible evacuations on Saturday. That's not encouraging.
This really sucks - I bought my plane ticket MONTHS ago for only $250!!! There is NO WAY I'll be able to get such a great fare again. At BEST, the airline will let me change my return trip to an earlier flight with no penalties. But I can envision a scenario where EVERYONE is at the airport, desperately trying to get on earlier flights. Do I want to spend half my vacation at the New Orleans airport?
This sucks ASS...
That DOES suck ass! :( I don't know what to tell you except to be safe if you go! I'm sending positive thoughts!
this is so hard....you already have your ticket, so I say GO. If you ahve to come home early, then come home early. I think if you stay home just cuz of a little "storm" you might regret it...so I say GO!!!!!
I live about ten miles from the coast in Texas and I've weathered many a hurricane. I've already made inland hotel reservations for my family, just in case that bitch turns our way and hits here, in which case I shall personally blame YOU and your enviable birthday trip plans and will thereafter hate you forever.
With all of that said, I still say GO and party your ass off! Gustav doesn't hit until Tuesday which means that plenty of things can happen before then:
1. It might turn and hit Texas mid-coast OR
2. It will slow down and give you time to get on home on Tuesday OR
3. It will hit as predicted and you'll have to fly out a bit early OR
4. You could cancel your plans and regret it forever!
YOU are one of the lucky ones with flight arrangements already made so for heavens sake don't cancel them! As for finding staple items, you might have a bit of trouble, but your hotel should have something stocked for their guests. Call them to see what they say about accomodating you. Also, call your airlines and make sure that flying out early is an option should you need to get home.
I say Go! You have a ticket, and don't get refunds for possible bad weather. I am sure that the hotel will know what to do if something happens, and will make for great blogging. If not, you can have an inspiring weekend. Go and enjoy yourself!
Daivd, you simply MUST go!! I am currently sitting in the Houston PResident's Club having a few Bud Lights while I wait for my Berring 737 to pick me up and take me to NOLA! I'll be there in 50 minutes! Watch my blog and I'll give you an update of how it's going!
So not cool.
As of now I'm still planning to go down this weekend. A friend of mine down there say that people aren't so worried anymore.
I feel like the worst that will happen is that we're majorly inconvenienced.
I'm with Beth and the others. Go!
LB & 2cents - Go and have an experience. I went through a humungous typhoon in Asia We had provisions and plenty to drink all by by candle light....was certainly an adventure and we also had fun!!! A few weeks ago there was a nice earthquake here and one cannot be prepared for that at all....and that can be scary.
Celebrate!!! I think you might kick yourself if you don't!!!
LB Anon
You know girl,I would being going also.I figure as long as their are some built hot mens there to shack up with,I mean,protect little ole' me,and some gin,you better believe me I would get some kind of fun out of it!!GO,GO,GO!
dear david dust:
I just LOVE how you bitches want me to risk life and limb - just so you can hear my stories. I could die!
Then again, if I stay in NYC, I will probably drink myself to death anyway!!...
I'll make a decision in the morning.
David Dust...your reply made me LOL and choke on a cracker.
Timmy -
Thank you (for EVERYTHING!).
Well, you don't want to be foolhardy. What a dilemma!
Cuz had good ideas about calling the hotel and airline. I don't know what I'd do either. Go with your gut feeling.
Now that Jerry Falwell is dead, who will blame another hurricane on you Southern Decadents?
If you go to New Orleans and BLOW AS HARD AS YOU CAN...
...I'm sure Gustav will move a bit.
LOL @ Curt!!!
Darling DDust, I'm with everyone else - GO! It absolutely sucks major ass that you have to worry about this. It will be an adventure either way. Maybe the power will go out and the lights will fail while you're at Rawhide. Oh wait . . . what lights?
[Boring, non-sexy, unsolicited advice from a frequent (and fellow) traveler that you probably already know: If anything happens to screw up your return flight whatever you do don't rely on the airlines to take care of you. Act fast and make your own arrangements. Don't waste time standing in lines. If you can't fly out of NOLA get them to confirm you out of somewhere relatively close but unaffected and then get a rental and drive your well-rested and totally not hungover self there ASAP. Or hitch a ride out of there to Miami with some hunky Papis and we'll never hear from you again - ! So many possibilities . . .
Geaux!!! Have fun & gawk at hot men.
Coulda shoulda woulda sux
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