Saturday, August 30, 2008


I have surfaced from my Bacardi Limon haze (for a moment, anyway) to say thank you for all your support. Yesterday I thought I had made a HORRIBLE decision - but today I realize I did the right thing.

After moderating 32 comments (many from people who have never commented) I realize how lucky I really am - on so many levels.

My darling Zombie Mom called my NEW vacation a "staycation", but it's more like a "drunkinmyapartmentcation". And that's MUCH better than running from a Hurricane.

XOXOXOXOXOXOXO ... hiccup! ... burp!

Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm Not Going...

Bottom line: I'm scared to death. Dan will hate me, but I'm a wuss when it comes to wind and flying. As a matter of fact, Dan is probably the reason I waited so long to come to this decision. I'm so sorry, but I just can't do it. The airline and hotel will let me reschedule with no upcharges.
No posts for awhile...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm Still Conflicted...

I am scheduled to fly to New Orleans tomorrow morning and return on Tuesday afternoon for Southern Decadence weekend. Everything points to Gustav building strength in the Gulf of Mexico - and then hitting the coast SOMEWHERE toward the end of the weekend. New Orleans continues to be in the center of this "cone of uncertainty".

I am so conflicted. Do I go, have fun for two nights, and then get "evacuated" on Sunday? Will I be able to buy anything (bottled water, etc) at any of the stores once I get there? Will the locals who work in New Orleans start getting the hell out of town - leaving hotels/restaurants/bars understaffed? Will the crowds, which make Southern Decadence weekend fun, even show up?

I have already read that the transit system in New Orleans will stop on Friday - so buses can be available for possible evacuations on Saturday. That's not encouraging.

This really sucks - I bought my plane ticket MONTHS ago for only $250!!! There is NO WAY I'll be able to get such a great fare again. At BEST, the airline will let me change my return trip to an earlier flight with no penalties. But I can envision a scenario where EVERYONE is at the airport, desperately trying to get on earlier flights. Do I want to spend half my vacation at the New Orleans airport?

This sucks ASS...

Beach Hotties

Shear Genius/Nexxus Finale Viewing Party

In case you haven’t heard, I went to the Shear Genius/Nexxus Finale viewing party held at the Tribeca Grand Hotel last night. Thanks to Blogging Project Runway’s Laura K for inviting me to join the gang. What a great event!

In addition to getting to see Laura again, I finally got to meet The Minx (lead blogger of Blogging Shear Genius). She was a funny, fabulous and charming party companion! Hanging out with Laura and The Minx was such a pleasure.

I got to meet so many other great people, including salontestants Nicole, Dee, and Daniel (who was a hoot!). Charlie was extremely funny and warm in person – and not bitchy at all. I also got to meet Project Rungay blogger Lorenzo, who was there with Project Runway Season Two designer Emmett McCarthy. Yes Maddie, I got to meet René Fris and he is very handsome in person. But no – I did NOT give him your number (you are married, you big HO!).

I was most thrilled to chat with Shear Genius host (and former Charlie’s Angel) Jaclyn Smith. What a total sweetheart! She is not a blog reader, so she grilled The Minx and I as to what people were saying on the blogs. In particular, she wanted to know if people wrote “nasty” things about the show. We tried to explain that yes, some people are evil, but most bloggers attempt to be funny without being intentionally hurtful. That’s my story – and I’m sticking to it.

You can tell Jaclyn had genuine affection for the salontestants, and we spoke about how she gets emotional when someone is sent home. She was so cute – she said the camera tends to cut away from her when she REALLY tears up – so what we saw on TV wasn’t even the full extent of her waterworks.

And one last thing about Jaclyn – she looked FLAWLESS. Farrah Fawcett needs to do whatever it is Jaclyn is doing – because it’s working. Jaclyn was even prettier than René.

After cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, we sat down in the screening room to watch the show’s finale. In addition to Laura and The Minx, our party also included Project Runway Season 3 designer Malan Breton and Season 3 model Amanda Fields (who is GORGEOUS and sweet). I got to sit beside Malan during the screening – and we laughed like crazy! On Project Runway, the editing made Malan out to be this evil weirdo – but nothing could have been further from the truth. He was hysterical (especially after a couple of martinis). And Malan – if you get a chance to read this – I would love to attend your next fashion show.

Congratulations to Dee Adames, the winner of Shear Genius. She was there with her adorable Mom and was presented with the big check for $100,000 – which she will used to start her own salon. To view more photos from the event, click here.

Thanks again to Laura for including me – and thanks to the people at Kaplow Public Relations (and Nexxus) for the VIP treatment (and gift bag!). I hope to be invited back next season.

Daddy Of The Day - Hector Washington

This one is for my buddy "R" in Boston...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gustav Watch

If Gustav ruins my first vacation in 2 years (and my chance to see Dan), I am going to be one sad bunny. The mayor of New Orleans has left the Democratic National Convention "to begin planning for a possible evacuation". Fuck.

Mr. Escandalo 2008

Mr. Escandalo 2008 was crowned last Sunday (read my first post here). Congrats to former Daddy of the Day Deilin Sanz on his win.

Hump Day Yoga

No Longer A "Daddy" To Me...

You can put this one in the "WTF?" file: Puerto Rican Reggaeton star Daddy Yankee endorsed John McCain at an event in Phoenix on Monday. Does John McCain have any idea who Daddy Yankee is?

Regardless, Daddy Yankee - a former Daddy of the Day - is no longer a "Daddy" in my book.

Daddy Of The Day - Daniel Sepulveda

Daniel Sepulveda is a punter for the Pittsburgh Steelers. He is also the imaginary boyfriend of my good blogger buddy Dwight Supremacy (Dwight gets Daniel; I get Franky G - that's our agreement). Mr. Sepulveda is 24 years old, 6' 3", and is currently injured and out for the season. Dwight has assured me that he is personally "nursing" Daniel back to health...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Don't Even Want To THINK About It...

I will be in New Orleans from Friday to Tuesday...

Happy Birthday To Me!

Thank you all VERY much for your birthday wishes. I appreciate it so much – you guys are the best.

I also got an unexpected birthday gift today in the form of an ANGRY COMMENT! Oh how I love it when people can’t take a joke! “Anonymous” (how very BRAVE!) left me this angry comment in regards to my last Project Runway recap (I’ve left her misspellings intact):

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Project Runway Episode Six - Hot Tranny Messes Up In Here":

As a straight woman who would rather hang with a gang of drag queens or gay men, than straight beer drinking guys anyday, this post offended me.

I usually love your recaps but this one is discusting in regards to the Varla and Joe constant sexual references.

Keep your fantasies of converting straight men to yourself please.

You are the reason so many staright men are still homophobic in this day and age.

You are the kind of gay I could see encountering a straight man in a restroom somewhere and pulling out your cock and stroking it while walking towards the poor guy saying "Oh c'mon you know you want it stud!"

Gay men like you who always assume that straight men secretely have raging boners at the thought of drag Queens, Trannies, or other guys in a Gym locker room are the reason why homphobia is still rampant and so many close-minded straight men assume every gay guy is gonna try to put the moves on them. You just cannot accept that some people are straight and have no curiousity or confusion about whether they like dick or vagina.

Get over yourself Mr. Delusional Dust.

I'm sure Joe's poor wife and daughters love you turning their husband/father into a closeted homosexual who desperately wanted his drag queens dick every chance you got.

I know you and your loyal fans will go off on me for this but I really don't care this post pissed me off!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! This is the Best.Present.Evah!!

Now let’s see … she(?) had no problem with my constant threats of stabbing Suede. She had no problem with me saying that Stella is a heroin addict. She had no problem with hinting that Leanne might cut out Tango’s voicebox(alicious). She had no problem with me calling Guatemalan and Mexican drag queens “sequined savages”. She had no problem with me making fun of Suede’s dead grandfather and his wacky dream about Brussels sprouts. She had no problem with me hinting that Tim Gunn has been suicidal lately. And finally, Miss(?) Anonymous had NO problem with me making fun of the other drag queens (Sharon Needles=crystal meth, LeMay=fugly, Annida Greenkard=Guatemalan Tranny Hooker).

The only thing she had a problem with is my joke about Straight Joe hooking up with Varla??????

It sounds like Miss Thang’s last boyfriend left her for a prettier (and more interesting) DRAG QUEEN.

Thanks for the comment, darling!!!!!

Happy birthday to me … happy birthday to me … !!!

Daddy Of The Day - Sami

Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm A "Busy Bunny"...

This is going to be an extremely busy week for me. I leave for New Orleans on Friday – and I was a lazy blob this weekend and got nothing done. So in addition to getting caught up at work, I have to pack and do all kinds of other stuff. I also have two big events this week:

Tomorrow: My birthday. I turn 41 – which sounds incredibly old to me. I will spend the evening washing clothes at the Laundromat across the street from my apartment – since I didn’t do it over the weekend. Très glamorous, I know…

Wednesday: The reason I won’t be recapping Project Runway, or the Finale of Shear Genius is because I WILL BE AT THE SHEAR GENIUS FINALE PARTY. My darling Laura K got me an invite – and I’m so excited to see her again. Just to refresh your memory, Laura was the one who arranged THIS. I will also finally get to meet The Minx face-to-face. My darling Minx is responsible for THIS. These are two responsible ladies!

I don’t have a DVR and I won’t have time to watch Project Runway repeats before I leave for New Orleans. So for the first time in the history of DavidDust, there won’t be a Project Runway recap. Trust me, we will all survive – and I’ll be back in time to recap next week’s episode, I promise.

I still don’t know WHAT my enormous self is going to wear to this soiree. I was supposed to go to the Fat Boy Store over the weekend, but as I mentioned, I was sick with the Mad Couch Disease. I was also supposed to get my haircut and go to my tanning salon – but didn’t.

So I’ll just have to be a Busy Bunny all week…

White Meat Monday Hotties

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