First of all, thanks to all my Dust Bunnies for your concern about my Kitty. I really appreciate it
So I took Emmy to the Vet this morning, and she isn’t doing too well. In addition to the sinus infection, she has lost a lot of weight – and may have liver complications. The Vet wanted to admit her overnight, but I honestly didn’t have enough money. So instead, I have to give her a liquid antibiotic, liver pills, and I have to literally force-feed her semi-solid food with a syringe. The whole trip was NOT a pleasant experience (for Emmy or myself) – and her continued treatment will continue to be hard on both of us. I just DO NOT deal with this kind of thing well, and I’m a little bit freaked.
And to make matters worse, today’s Vet visit pretty much wiped out my money for my upcoming trip to New Orleans. Unfortunately I’ve always been a complete asshole when it’s come to money and credit cards. After maxing out a jillion cards in college and moving to NYC, I maxed out another round of cards a few years ago. Hell, I’ve never even paid my student loans. As a result, I have no credit – and not even a bank account (a creditor seized that a year ago). So I had to use my vacation money today, and it made me sad. And I feel HORRIBLE that it made me sad – after all, I love Emmy more than almost anything.
I know it was my irresponsibility that caused my financial problems, and my Kitty is way more important than a stupid vacation, but I’m feeling pretty damn miserable and sorry for myself right now. I just hope Emmy is feeling better…
So I took Emmy to the Vet this morning, and she isn’t doing too well. In addition to the sinus infection, she has lost a lot of weight – and may have liver complications. The Vet wanted to admit her overnight, but I honestly didn’t have enough money. So instead, I have to give her a liquid antibiotic, liver pills, and I have to literally force-feed her semi-solid food with a syringe. The whole trip was NOT a pleasant experience (for Emmy or myself) – and her continued treatment will continue to be hard on both of us. I just DO NOT deal with this kind of thing well, and I’m a little bit freaked.
And to make matters worse, today’s Vet visit pretty much wiped out my money for my upcoming trip to New Orleans. Unfortunately I’ve always been a complete asshole when it’s come to money and credit cards. After maxing out a jillion cards in college and moving to NYC, I maxed out another round of cards a few years ago. Hell, I’ve never even paid my student loans. As a result, I have no credit – and not even a bank account (a creditor seized that a year ago). So I had to use my vacation money today, and it made me sad. And I feel HORRIBLE that it made me sad – after all, I love Emmy more than almost anything.
I know it was my irresponsibility that caused my financial problems, and my Kitty is way more important than a stupid vacation, but I’m feeling pretty damn miserable and sorry for myself right now. I just hope Emmy is feeling better…
Aw, I'm so sorry to hear this. But don't give up. Really, who knows what the future holds? Emmy will likely have a full recovery, thanks to the vet visit and your love. Maybe something will happen that will allow you to take that vacation after all. And if not, New Orleans will be there when you're ready.
Hugs and kisses to you both,
Mark :-)
Oh David,,,this is really really sad. I came unglued going through this process with my cat of 18 years. It took a long time to get over. Glad I was living alone because I cried my heart out for weeks.
I am also very sad about vacation plans. I'm sure we were all looking forward to living through you vicariously on this wonderful adventure.It was good of you to give your pal all you had on healing.We know a lot of people wouldn't.
Maybe all isn't lost yet. Stay hopeful.My prayers for you both.
Oh, dear David. I hear you. My cat, well he is still going - he is 15 and has his issues, and has cost me some money, but damned if he doesn't make me forget that when he lays next to me so I can scratch him and serve his every need. It is tremendous therapy for me.
There is time to try to put some money together for the trip, and if not this time, maybe next time. Sacrificing one weeks fun for a lifetime of companionship and love is a truly wonderful thing, and one of the reasons I respect you so.
Hey DD...hang in there. Sending you a big hug from Houston.
I am very sorry to hear about your kitty and hope that it all works out well.
I too had really bad financial issues at one point and found my way out all sparked by one reasonably drastic yet painless actionand a small piece of advice from an elder relative, I'd be happy to share it with you but only if you want and only after I return from my trip.
Peace to you.
Hey bubelah - if you have a Paypal account, you could add a "donate" button to your blog to help pay for feline expenses. Lots of bloggers do it. One gal I know had a cat who was missing and presumed dead for over a year return to her, badly hurt and needing lots of expensive surgery. Within 24 hours she had not only gotten enough donations to pay for the kitties medical expenses, there was enough left over to make a sizeable donation to her local animal shelter.
Every penny helps, and you certainly deserve a vacation. :)
awwww...poor Emmy...and poor tranny. Vets just cost an aarm and a leg these days...my mutts don't get their shots or snything. I'm lucky my one dog gets his meds every month!
Well, New Orleans will always be there...maybe! ;)..and Emmy IS important. And you know you can always stay in NYC and be naughty!!! But I know you were really looking forward to it... :(
I'm sure emmy will get better with your great love and care...
Hey David,
God doesn't give us more than we can handle. Everything will work out, you have to have faith. I'll be praying for you and Emmy.
Take care buddy.
Awww,,, that is just crummy no matter how you look at it. I am so sorry you have to through this....
I have been through the credit wars.... so totally sucky that is too...
Sending my Tranny and Emmy lots of love and prosperity energy from the woo-woo west coast... I am dressed like Mrs. Roper sending out crazy California love vibes....
Hugs to you and to Miss Emmy. Hang in there!
Girl-I hope Emmy is doing better now that the big ordeal is over.Our cat,Starrbooty,looks just like Emmy except ours is all black.I remember giving her pills ONCE-and that was enough!!!A complete bitch.Dogs take medication much better.I hear if you wrap the cat in a towel,and pull the fur back behind their head like their mother would do to carry them around when they were kittens,supposely relaxs the cat.Worth a try.You knows,you may still go to New Orleans.Go down anyway and find a sugar daddy and re-enact the movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes!
Oh David, I am so, so sorry about Emmy and you trip. Don't feel badly that you regret not being able to take the trip. I was pretty depressed about not going to Las Vegas when Missy got sick. It's a natural reaction.
Poor Emmy. My prayers will be with you guys. Such a tough situation!
Oh, I know how this is! I hope all this helps her soon, and you don't have to do it too long. One of my cats had diabetes, and I had to give her insulin shots every day. It was horrible! She did pretty well with it, but I was a basket case.
I keep saying when something happens to Brigit, I'm not sure I'll have another cat. It hurts too much when they die, but they are so much company when we have them. I'll probably go through it again for how much they mean.
My thoughts and prayers are there with you and Miss Emmy!!
I'm sorry about Emmy. What a beautiful kitty. *Hugs*
And I so I know what it's like to be in debt. I am too.
I agree with Laura. Set up a paypal account and I would totally donate for Emmy. I lost my baby after 17 years this January and I can't talk about it anymore because I will cry. But if you need help, your dust bunnies will rally.
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