Peekaboo! This is for MikeInBama. We've been having our own two-person Pep Rally in the comments section of my Design Star recap.
And BTW, Joy - you started it!
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I absolutely LOVE peekaboo shots like these! There's something so innocent yet sexy about them. Feel free to send me any others you may stumble upon or purposely seek out. You know how to reach me.
Mark :-)
Mark -
I'll see what I can do...
You should have posted a picture fo the gorgeous John Parker Wilson, Alabama's starting quarterback.
Check out John Parker!
Mike -
Wow! I'll have to give you that one - he is gorgeous. For a white boy, anyway. He has a bright future in porn if the whole football thing doesn't work out.
What's a Nittany Lion anyway?
Go Vols!
That QB is gorgeous for sure. Thanks for the link!
I went to a college with no football team, although I think they have have one now. But there were some great frat parties...
Joy, I have something for you from last year.
It's a cheer for the Vols from last year.
Same with my son, Howard. He went to Sewanee (The University of the South). My undergraduate degree is from UT, so it's "Rocky Top" I'll be singing.
My brother is a big UT fan, and his son is for Alabama and even named his dog Bama. His groom's cake was crimson and white and decorated accordingly. My niece is a Kentucky fan. Bear Bryant's coaching career is legendary, and so is Adolf Rupp's.
I'm definitely for SEC teams when they don't play Tennessee. But I'll be for Penn State when they play other teams just for you, DD. Sorry, Mike, but I have to be for the War Beagles when they play the Tide. My close friends who went there would kill me. I will secretely cheer just for you part of the game, though.
OK, Mike, I take back any promises of cheering at all for Bama even though I'll still be for them when playing non-SEC teams ... maybe. I'll have to think about it. Just wait.
The only Big 10 Conference team I'll ever be for is Penn State, though. I do have my prejudices.
It was like a knee jerk reaction when I saw Vols. Besides Auburn, I loath Tennessee. I had to show you the video from lst years game when we did our Rammer Jammer cheer.
Thank you, my Darling Joy. Your support is greatly appreciated.
And a Nittany Lion is the FIERCE and mighty mountain lions that once roamed Mount Nittany - the mountain that overlooks campus.
Ok - so it's kinda a made up mascot, and Mount Nittany is more like a hill - but Nittany Lions are FIERCE nonetheless.
It's no worse/better than a Crimson Tide or a Volunteer...
But what in the HELL is a War Beagle???
Hey Hey, stop ganging up on me...LOL
This is a vulgar cheer that we use to do a the bar before football games:
Cock sucker
mother fucker
eat a bag of shit
cunt hair
douche bag
bite your momma's tit
Who's the best football team
when all the rest suck?
Alabama Crimson Tide
Rah Rah
It's actually War Eagles - the Auburn mascot along with Tigers. My close friends and Auburn almuni sometimes call them War Beagles just to be funny. I am SO for Auburn now even more than ever!!! (but still think you're hot, Mike, and like you ... after all, I love my nephew)
Don't tell anyone, but I'm really not that much of a football fan even though I did start this. That's blasphemy in the South.
I'll blog about this. Check it out.
Glad to know about the fierce Nittany Lions because, David, you are FIERCE!
Love to see some NITTANY LION pride here!
Shit on Pitt! :)
Way to keep it classy, Alabama!
Curt -
I always forget you're a Penn Stater also.
Any Notre Dame freaks out there I can piss off?!?
Boo Penn State!
P-I-T-T all the way baby!
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