According to Towleroad, Showtime is developing a series about Studio 54 - the legendary NYC disco. I can't wait to see the cute busboys in their short-shorts!
Studio 54 is still there - and now operates as a Broadway theater. In 1994, it reopened briefly as a nightclub. I went once or twice on gay night (it is only a few blocks away from my apartment) - but the club was empty and boring.
I would have never thought "empty" and "boring" would ever be used to describe Studio 54, but in this case those two words were appropriate. Shortly after the nightclub idea failed, they changed it into a theater - the space's original function. Studio 54 has housed Broadway productions ever since.
I am more into the documentaries where you see the images of what people really looked like in its heyday...but Showtime could still make a great show. I'd watch it (if my broke-behind could afford Showtime).
I saw Sunday In The Park With George there this past spring. When the place was thriving and I still lived in NYC, I never went - just not my gig. But it might be fun to watch the show.
oooh, atlanta, ga landed on daviddust! ;)
There was a time in the 80's where this club called the Ritz, originally located in the Village area had become less of a club and more of a concert venue.
In the late 80's (as I recall) they moved into the Studio 54 building and I actually wond a pair of tix to the first 6 shows.
Now to remember the shows, hmmm:
David Crosby
Edie Brickel and New Bohemians
can't remember the rest though Bruce Horsnby comes to mind.
One of the hostesses of Studio 54 used to visit me in Maine. Hungarian and living in the tradition of the Gabor sisters, hustled rich old men. She came to Maine to get "readings" from me and to visit an old recluse Mogul in upstate Maine I knew who was a go-between for Hitler and Roosevelt.He was sent to advixe Hitler economically. They didn't care at the time so much what he was doing at war, but how he needed an education about keeping world economics in balance so his own system and everybody else's wouldn't go under. Anyway,she had great inside stories about 54.
I've been thinking about adding Showtime for Dexter and Weeds and now this looks interesting, too. I already have HBO, so I guess I might as well go whole hog with them. I think I'm going to have to plan my TV watching more carefully since I'm already a slave to the DVR. So much TV, so little time!
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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