A few words from your fearless leader:
I feel like New Hampshire before the primary season – everyone ignores me until it’s time to vote. I heard from Design Star’s Jennifer Bertrand yesterday! She sent me a sweet email:

Hi David! It's Jen from the show! :) I just wanted to email you and say I love your blog! I know you're a Team Matt fan and when you speak to him, you're going to love him even more! But I just wanted to tell you that your blog is hilarious and always cracks me up! I hope you enjoy Sunday's show. It was crazy hard but the coolest finale we could have done. I annoyingly cry on the show like Halle Berry but without the Oscar so it should be a good time! Thanks again for the fun reads! Jen
Wasn't that adorable? I emailed her back and gave her hell for being nice to me. How am I supposed to write snarky recaps when both designtestants have taken the time to reach out to me? Damn you – nice people!! Remember, the VIEWERS (not the judges) will vote for the winner of Design Star – hence the “New Hampshire” treatment I’m getting right now.
Take a look at Jennifer’s website here.
Speaking of nice people, I will be interviewing Matt Locke (the other designtestant competing in the final) early this evening. I probably won’t be able to post my write-up until Saturday. In the meantime, I hope to be posting my Project Runway recap late this afternoon, and my Top Haircut recap sometime tomorrow. Busy, busy, busy!
In even more shocking news: Tango actually made me laugh last night on Project Runway when he made fun of Burnout Stella and her "Leh-tha" fetish. Holla at cha boy! Sorry, I couldn't help it...
That is hilarious. But hey, it shows are important and influential you are! Remember us little people, okay?
I have to admit that I was trying not to laugh when Tango let loose on Stella, but after awhile I just lost it.
Anyway, lookie lookie who's gettin' popular around here! It seems the world will soon be beating down your door ;-)
Holla!!!! Tango was like, "I love your leather face!" HA!!! Stella...oh lordy, she has GOT to go? How did that woman get there in the first place????
and youa re getting famous girlfriend!!!!! woohoo!!!
First, you get a slap on the wrist for the 'Holla' comment. I don't care if it was funny, it just gave me chills....
Second, Jennifer always seemed like such a sweetie on the show, it isn't a surprise her note would be so nice. I am still torn between the two for the win. But I have to admit I think Matt is hotter, which could be an important deciding factor in my sex-deprived life.
Third, since both love the blog, I guess your comments about the stanky one are on the mark...
Fourth, I will admit Tango made me laugh as well, but not enough to not want to see him leave soon.
When you become even famous will you still remember us little people?
Of course David will remember - otherwise he knows he will be reading was a skanky, tranny-mess of a celeb he has become in several blogs... LOL
Dude, this is super cool! I'm looking forward to your Runway updates - I didn't read the first episode one because I only watched it last night along with episode 2. I do have the Project Runway trakker back on my blog.
I am a huge Tim Gunn fan but I find myself ever increasingly enjoying Michael Kors - that guy has some great lines if you listen carefully enough.
Wow, that is so cool that Jen reads your blog. Not surprised that she loves it - how could she not?
She sounds really nice. Did you ask her in your reply email for an interview???
Mark :-)
Neat! She does seem so nice, and it's confirmed now by her email. That was a funny line about crying like Halle Berry without the Oscar.
I like both of them and am glad they are the finalists. Doesn't it feel surreal when you hear from people you blog about? It will probably keep happening, too!
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