Toronto Blue Jays fans heckled "well-endowed" A-Rod this weekend about his supposed affair with Her Madgesty. Now that's just mean.
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It is mean but his face is cracking me up.
I think this is HILARIOUS!! I would have loved to do that!!
OMG! This reminds me of what happened in the outfield at Arlington Stadium years ago when Madge and Jose Canseco were an item.
Like DD, she too has a thing for papis.
Timmy - Madge is the ORIGINAL papi-chaser! I have met at least one HOT Puerto Rican Papi that says he had his way with Ms. Ciccone here in NYC before she became famous.
Well, I'd think that would be a long list, DD!
Dennis Rodman didn't give her rave sexual reviews in his book. But then I'd have to be blindfolded and more to have sex with him.
You're so right about that expression on his pouty face! I think it's funny, too.
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