Wednesday, July 16, 2008
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I don't know about that shirt.
Is it wrong of me to be a little jealous of how well he is rocking the cleavage?
He is ROCKIN' the "moobs".
OMG, he does look like a big queen! Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Mark :-)
I don't mind the outfit except that I do think he's a bit too...well, OK I'll say it...old to be wearing that outfit.
I mean, really. Does he really need that many pieces of flair? Is he trying to be one of the Jonas Brothers?
Who would have thought that the cutr kid on Gimmie A Break would turn out to be so dam hot!And I usualy don't like bald heads ,but on him-Oh yes!I hit it to David!
WHAT???? You would HIT THAT??? He's not LATIN!!!! Traitor!!! ;)
Ya, he's hot and soooo gay.
and OHIO won the challenge tonight!!!! woohoo!!!! Do you have a favorite yet? I like Jerrel, of course, and Blayne, I think that's his name...the tan guy. But the chick who did the mop heads??? that was so cool....and I am soooo tired of table cloths!!!!!! be original people!!!!! You're on freakin Project Runway for goodness sake!!!
Whoa! You gotta love a man in flip flops.
I've been wanting Joey Lawrence since Blossom, and these pictures reignited that flame. I don't care if that shirt is wrong for him, I can see what's underneath it and that's all that matters.
Been ogling him for years. I do agree he comes of like family BIG TIME!
I don't know... When I see these pictures, I keep thinking he wants to grow up to be a Venice Beach Muscle Top, but ends up looking like a slightly past his prime Atlantic City Power Bottom.
surely queen-ed out, but stil HOT nonetheless!
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