I won't be able to post my Shear Genius recap until later today AT THE EARLIEST. There is a distinct possibility it won't be posted until tomorrow or even Saturday.
I have a ton of work to catch up on, and my cat is sick again - so she and I will be at the Vet tomorrow. Which of course makes me want to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge. Doctors of ANY kind make me want to run and hide.
I will try and post something later - but it probably won't be my recap.
Ooooh... sorry about your cat and really sorry you have to go to a doctor-type of any kind. I am your sister in fearing all things medical. I feel your pain and anxiety all the way across the country.... I hope kitty is OK and soon!!!
Zombie mom
I hope your cat is alright. Take you time with the recap of Top Weave. I think I hate everyone on that show. I would love to drop kick each one of the Hairtestants.
Hang in there with the vet visit. Try to imagine yourself somewhere else; a nice sunny location with an endless string of hot Papis taking care of your every need.
Wow. I managed to distract myself with that one. I really hope your cat gets better. Take all the time you need on the recap.
I'm sending good wishes for your kitty and hugs and kisses to you....
Awww I'm sorry about your kitty cat. I'm praying that she will be ok.
And to borrow a catch phrase from Top Haircut's Daniel: David you are SPEK-TACULAR!
I'm sorry to read that your cat is not feeling well. We never have fun at the vets office. The funniest thing is that our dog pees in the lobby when we leave. That cracks me up.
On another note...
Does mikeinbamas' photo look like the classic naked baby photo on a bearskin rug (minus the rug)? Looking nice there buddy. ;-)
David, sorry about your cat. Mine is not completely well either, but keeps chugging along, and I am grateful, even when he drives me crazy - which is surprisingly often.
Top Cutters can wait, for, like Mike, these guys are not nearly as interesting as they seem to think they are.
Hope your kitty is better soon. Take care,
Mark :-)
Fellow cat person here, so I know what you're going through. I hope kitty is OK!
I think after three shows already,I'm over it also.What do you say we take a collection,and give it to Mike to drop kick these bitches-starting with Rene!
well, David, we love you here at Critics Anonymous, Inc but if you can't meet your responsibilities, I'd hate to have to let you go. Now I hope you get this personal issue taken care of and can get back to work tomorrow, on time, at your desk, and not expecting a long lunch hour.
Awww...just kidding...love you.
Miss you David.
hey all
read my review at haireality.blogspot.com
I hope you and your cat both do well at the vet's and that it won't be anything serious. I know how upsetting that is.
Don't worry about the Top Hairies. Take care of yourself, your cat, and your job.
Hugs! xoxoxoxox
Just checking back in on you and your kitty.... in my thoughts - here's hoping you are both doing OK...
I haven't had a chance to watch this weeks episode yet, no worries on the recap.
I will be sending good wishes and thoughts your way for your kitty.
ok, after your post on my blog I'm really worried about Emmy! What's going on???
How's Miss Emmy? Did you survive the trip to the vet? Let us know how she is.
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