First of all, I want to thank those of you who check in here at DavidDust - either via comment, or by sending me an email. I LOVE hearing from you, so keep it up.

I wanted to share an email I got last week from Dust Bunny Jennie. I read Jennie's blog every day - where she somehow manages to make being a Mom sound hysterically funny. Besides being an excellent writer, a devoted mother, and a loving wife - she also happens to be a TRUE Christian. Not one of those McDonald's boycotting, gay-hating idiots - but a true believer in "do unto others..." Oh, and she curses like a drunken sailor, likes a cocktail (or 4), and wears a T-Shirt that states "I'm A Christian and I Support Gay Marriage". Simply put - she is just too fabulous for words.
She also has a bit of a filthy mind. Either that, or she is VERY proud of her vegetables. Here is the email I received:
She also has a bit of a filthy mind. Either that, or she is VERY proud of her vegetables. Here is the email I received:
I went out to my garden yesterday and thought of you. I can't imagine why! ;)
First of all, I LOVE how she put the pen in there for context. Secondly, I know other bloggers may receive pictures of naked men from their readers, but I get Christian Moms sending me pics of phallic veggies from their garden. And I wouldn't trade that for the world.
Thanks Jennie!
Thanks Jennie!
hey, Christian moms are the BOMB!!!!
and who WOULDN'T love you, David????
Look what a wide range of friends you have! And why not? You're adorable and lovable!
OMG hilarious!
I love me a nice penis and thank God He (She?) thought of them! PRAISE JESUS! *insert lightening here*
That's my Jen... she sure is somethin'! I've known her since we were, like 3... Love. Her. :)
JennyOnTheSpot - Somehow I bet you and Jennie have been laughing your asses off since you were both 3-years-old.
And Dearest Jennie - I am SURE there are no lighting strikes in your future. Of ALL the Dust Bunnies, YOU are probably pretty safe.
The sound you hear is applause; a standing ovation for being so cool that I now have a mom role-model that I would've never found without you.
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