Somehow, Lance Bass always seems to get hot guys (see my previous post on the subject here). Bass is currently seeing Sebastian Leal, an Italian personal trainer who was raised in Brazil. And get this - Sebastian is married ... to a GIRL!! Read the story from Queerty here.
Lance is cute,but I don't understand it either.I think he should have kept the last one.He was the hottest by far.E ver since he dated Reichen Lehmkuhl it's like there trying to have a who the bigger slut and get the hotter man contest!
I can only figure that a rich bottom is good to find. Meanwhile, if I can only convince a few that a good one is rich to find...
I think Lance is cute...and so is this guy he's with now. More power to him!
Lance obviously has that 'Je ne sais pas' that makes him irresistable. If he could bottle it he might be able to turn it into a career.
Mark :-)
Lance is cute but both his tongue and his hole must be the finest around because he keeps landing these mega-hotties. Good for him...lucky bitch!
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