Tomorrow afternoon I'll be back on an Amtrak train, and will return to NYC by early evening. And not a moment too soon - I've been eating myself into a coma. I have been to McDonald's (twice), Arby's (!), Burger King - and various others. Furthermore, I ate huge meals with my family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day - and the Mistress Maddie had me over to the ancestral manor on Friday. OMG - Maddie's mother sent me home with TWO boxes of her gourmet cookies/sweets, and they didn't last 24 hours!
Anywhoo - I'm feeling bloated and cranky, but I hope to turn things around once I get back to the big city.
Anywhoo - I'm feeling bloated and cranky, but I hope to turn things around once I get back to the big city.
That is why we have New Year's resolutions- go forth and sin (oops) eat no more! Dannelle
PS are you having troll problems? I noticed the comment moderation hasd been enabled- That's too bad- Nasty perverts out there- leave us be- poof to you, begone. Love and Hugs- D
I have to agree with you there...I ate way too much myself!! However, if I had it to do over again...I wouldnt have passed up the seconds on the cheesecake..~smile~
Dannelle -
I've always moderated comments - so the Trolls don't get started. There is nothing more empowering than rejecting the comment of some homophobic AssHat.
why you eating at mcd's, etc.? i hate that shit. i also stopped buying ice cream years ago. it's so easy to start eating haagen-dasz and go, ooh, it's almost finished, might as well finish it, and before you know it, the pint is gone!
Arby's AND goodies from Mistress Maddie's mom? I'm sooo jealous.
I don't have ice cream that often. I do have a thing for sorbet though. Tonight I picked up a pint of blood orange and one of cherry sake.
figured you were posting when you answered one of mine so fast. So I came back to check you out.
Yeah I'm with you- got a table full of homemade treats and have been munching and not eating right. Still doing Christmas cheer and telling myself "after the holidays". Managed healthy breakfast this morning followed by peanut butter fudge, etc. By the picture you posted, we must be twins. (and nobody told us...sob sob)' Omigod..it's a bromance. Love you bro....
Mame-Again good to see you and take care. Now tha the holidays are over you can go day by day and get back on track,but finish the goodies first.
It's always nice to come home. :)
fiber, dude ... fiber. (just a thought - ha!)
I feel just like that guy looks lol. I think I ate 2 dozen oatmeal chocolate chip cookies over Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Do not make a weight loss resolution. Keep doing what you're doing and stay with the Weight Watchers program.
Happy New Year Buddy! Let's talk when you have some time.
I know the feeling- all day long Miss Ginger had been walking around singing "Oompa, loompa, fiddledey foo"! to herself!
I identify with that picture! Waddle, waddle!! It's been fun, and I'll get back on all those wagons soon! (soon-ish)
getting back on track will be "fun", but I know you can do it
The holidays are always so hard. I'm still eating! I look like that guys fatter sister, let me tell you! The good news is there is tomorrow is always a new day.
David I did not give you permission to use that photo of me!
Jump back on that wagon, buddy!
Spouse & I will be joining you on Weight Watchers on Jan 5.
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