The Nanny herself - Fran Drescher - wants to be the next Senator from the great state of New York. Read more HERE. What will Mr. Sheffield say??
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What a hoot! "Oh, Mistah President, I wanna be your senatuh from New Yawk!"
I don't know if I should laugh about this, or cower in fear.
I think the House of Representatives would be a better career choice for her. That way she could become the "Squeaker of the House."
Seriously, we have to thank Sarah Palin for breaking the glass ceiling of "Qualified." OK, Dubya broke it even before her, but why does every celebrity moron thinks they should be elected to high office?
Well, that's just alarming!!
I don't live there,and I would so vote for her!
Wouldn't that be hilarious!!
CD: Squeaker of the House! Love it!
I'd vote for her!
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