Campbell's Soup has purchased advertising in LGBT publication The Advocate promoting it's Swanson broths. The ads show two female NYC restaurateurs (a lesbian couple) and their son.
Needless to say, the right-wing idiots are OUTRAGED that Campbell's would commit the egregious act of depicting a loving couple with their child. BLASPHEMY! The AFA (American
OUR PLOT HAS BEEN EXPOSED - we had planned on recruiting your children through the insidious use of Chicken Broth.
But according to Advertising Age, Campbell's hasn't backed down:
Campbell made no apologies for the series of ads, which it said is its first in any LGBT publication, and instead took a decisive stance on the criticism. "Our position on this is pretty straightforward," said company rep Anthony Sanzio. "Inclusion and diversity play an important role in our business, and that fact is reflected in our marketing plan. For more than a century, people from all walks for life have enjoyed Campbell's products, and we will continue to try to communicate in ways that are meaningful and relevant to them."
He added: "Our plans for the Swanson brand include additional placements in The Advocate."
I plan on loading up on Weight-Watcher's friendly Campbell's Soup and Swanson Broth products immediately. The AFA has urged it's trolls and ogres to contact Campbell Soup Co. to voice their outrage - so we need to contact Campbell's to show our support. You can write to:
Douglas R. Conant, President
Campbell Soup Co.
Campbell Place
Camden, NJ 08103
Or call him at (800) 442-7684 or (800) 257-8443
You can also email him: douglas_r_conant@campbellsoup.com.
There is also a feedback form on the Campbell corporate website: CampbellSoupCompany.com.
these folks need to get a life
I posted about this as well, but thanks for the addresses, etc.
It's worth it to tell him how much homos love soup!
I KNEW there was a reason I loved Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup!!!!
Like using their soup could turn you Gay....sheesh. the stupidity of some people...
Campbells is mmmmm good! Thank you for the info. I'll send and email right now!
hey AFA, what the hell are you doing looking at a gay rag? mind your own god damn business!
OUR PLOT HAS BEEN EXPOSED - we had planned on recruiting your children through the insidious use of Chicken Broth.
You go Campbells!
Yay to you for writing this up. I happen to get most of the comfort for the low points in my life from Campbell's tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Lord knows it doesn't come from some straight people.I am one of those what? "incestuous" people and should expect no comfort. Campbell's does a great job for me.
BTW, the Swanson's broths have improved my cooking 100% lately. I love them....sodium and all.
xoxoxo charlie
Who knew?! What other tricksy things are out there? What other dangers are lurking in the kitchen cabinets? The linen closet? Under the bathroom sink?
I sent a letter to Mr. Conant. Thanks for making us aware of companies that reach out to the LGBT community.
Man, those fucktards at the AFA just won't be happy until everyone is humming Koombuya on their way to and from church! They make me sick.
it's like those retards who accused rachel ray of being a terrorist because she had a paisley scarf on, remember those pathetic right wing sad assholes?
The AFA isn't happy until people are unhappy. It's so sad and strange. I applaud Campbell's in their recognition of Chef Lea. :)
I'm A Campbell's Kid, just another small fact you might not have known about me. My sperm donor was a big wig at Campbell's Ohio plant.
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