Yes darling Dust Bunnies, Martha Stewart will appear on Top Chef tonight! I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I've ALWAYS loved Martha. And I loved her even more when they made her do HARD TIME and the bitch didn't complain. She's a trooper! You can take the girl out of Nutley, New Jersey (and pretend she's from Connecticut), but you can NEVER take the Jersey out of the girl. And I bet Martha now has at least 56 recipes for Top Ramen noodles and Spam that she didn't have before prison.
Unfortunately, my other favorite girls (Gail Simmons and her Boobies) are taking a little hiatus from Top Chef (it was filmed this summer right before her August wedding). So I'll have to make due with this "Melon Montage" from this past episode...
Unfortunately, my other favorite girls (Gail Simmons and her Boobies) are taking a little hiatus from Top Chef (it was filmed this summer right before her August wedding). So I'll have to make due with this "Melon Montage" from this past episode...

Seriously - those are some top-notch Knockers. Also, if you'd like to be nosy and take a look at Gail & Jeremy's Bloomingdale's and Williams-Sonoma Wedding Registry, click HERE.
As far as my recap goes - I'll have to see how it goes. I have big events on Thursday evening and Friday afternoon - so I will TRY and get my recap done early tomorrow, before all the drama begins. If not, I might not be able to post it until Friday night or Saturday.
As far as my recap goes - I'll have to see how it goes. I have big events on Thursday evening and Friday afternoon - so I will TRY and get my recap done early tomorrow, before all the drama begins. If not, I might not be able to post it until Friday night or Saturday.
gail got married on my birthday, sweet! how awesome is it that they got almost everything they wanted on their registry? nice!
oh, and i *LOVE* martha as well... i recognize she has a few screws loose, but she is a tough broad as you said, and anyway ~ what genius do you know that ISN'T just a touch crazy?
I'm with you, I like Martha. I thought her prison sentence was uncalled for, but respected her for not getting all dramatic over it.
Good luck with your events at work!
We shall be patient. Especially since we are lobbying for yet another recap.
I've been a fan of Marthas since she did her show out of her kitchen at Turkey Hill.
I wish I had half her talent and all of her money!
I bet her prison tats are beautiful.
I LOVE Martha! I've been to 3 of her book signings and she's been very gracious and has not sought a restraining order. I'm pleased.
Martha went to prison and did her time to get it over with. She was still out of prison and fighting the charges when she decided to put this chapter of her life behind her. Like always Martha did stuff on her terms.
jimbo cracks me up!!!
I too, love Gails's boobies! They are pretty fantatic!
love you tranny!
Mame-I have always LOVED me some Martha since day one!
I too will miss Gail (maybe not her boobies but they are impressive). I am a bit on the fence about Martha. I love what she does just maybe not the way she goes about it all the time. But hell she has a lot more money than I do so she is doing something right. I will try to wait patiently for the recap.
am i the only one that's heard the rumors about martha having a girlfriend? this is before prison, so no prison jokes, please.
Martha Stewart is a hardcore prison gangsta with a neck tattoo. No one had good taste until Martha.
...now on to Gails boobs..OMG, those are some tits...just because I love the word tits.
I've always enjoyed Martha even through her difficult phase.She was heroic coming back and doing what she loves best even though her other enterprises could easily sustain her.It all adds to her mystique. The TV movie on her whole sordid time done, seemed fair and honest. Never knew if she had anything to do with it, approved of it, or what.
Never agreed with your love of Gail, but then, you didn't say you loved Gail...you said you love her boobs. It's that Padma (?) I can't stand.
xoxoxo charlie
OMG! Crazy Carla is from Nashville! How did I miss that before!
Last I heard, Martha has been going with a billionaire software geek who paid many millions to go up in a space. Reportedly, they've been going together for a long time. I googled - Charles Simonyi, who lives in Seattle.
always loved 'the martha', until that douch on Top Design 2, showed up, it reflected poorly??!?!?!
I've never had an opinion on Martha, I just thought it was hilarious that she had that affected accent, but early episodes of her show belie her Jersey heritage ;-)
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