I know I usually don't have nice things to say about George W. Bush. But today I have to say this: he may be 62 years-old, but Mr. Preznit still has some FIERCE reflexes. Did you see him duck - and then look at the guy like "bring it, BITCH!"?!? I guess all those games of dodgeball growing up finally came in handy.
I wish Dubya would have caught one and threw it back at the guy.
I wish Dubya would have caught one and threw it back at the guy.
LOLOLOL, he ducked down so damned fast... shit, the secret service has prob been training his ass for something like this, considering how much everyone hates him...
and speaking of the secret service, where the eff were they? they guys who (belatedly) run from behind dubya are iraqis.
I was searching for a turn of phrase all day for that incident and you nailed it - when loafers ATTACK!
Seriously - they must have the Secret Service "A-Team" guarding Obama.
Like I said, Dubya cracked me up. He ducked down, and then looked up and waited for the next one. All I kept thinking was ... "um, isn't someone supposed to go jump on the President now to protect him".
In Arabic thr0wing sh0es is an insult...
and the President made a joke that it was a size 10 sh0e.
up0n thr0wing th0se pair 0f sh0es the Iraqi j0urnalist yelled as it was his "farewell kiss", y0u d0g!.
I just felt sympathetic t0 what had l0st.
Love that phrase, too - When Loafers Attack! He's revising his whole presidency, so wonder how he'll turn this into a lie, uh a positive?
I love the look on W's face in the screen capture you posted. That was crazy. I think everybody's curious about the whereabouts of the Secret Service. Maybe they were like "eh, just shoes. No biggie."
HAHAHA!!!!! I thought the same thing! dang! He is FAST! I wonder if he's fast at everything?....eeewwww, I just grossed myself out...I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit.
This is the first compliment I will give W, he does have good reflexes. Can you imagine the Secret Service training him for having shoes thrown at him?
I loved how it seemed like he was sort of laughing about it. Don't have much positive to say about ol' Dubya, but that shit was straight-up funny.
@tommy: YES, i can imagine it, LOL... i think it would be like that scene from 'dodgeball': "if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a shoe!"
lucky for him, maliki deflected the 2nd shoe, because he didn't duck the 2nd time.
too bad it was just a shoe...
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