Pope Benedict said on Monday that saving humanity from homosexual or transsexual behavior was just as important as saving the rainforest from destruction.
"(The Church) should also protect man from the destruction of himself. A sort of ecology of man is needed," the pontiff said in a holiday address to the Curia, the Vatican's central administration.
"(The Church) should also protect man from the destruction of himself. A sort of ecology of man is needed," the pontiff said in a holiday address to the Curia, the Vatican's central administration.
"The tropical forests do deserve our protection. But man, as a creature, does not deserve any less."
Read more about the Pope's blatant homophobia from Reuters HERE. You know, His HolyMostest certainly has a lot of controversial ideas for someone who wears such frilly and fancy outfits (above).
Below is a picture of the Pope giving his speech. Beware the Dark Side, Bitches...

Well, isn't he just a ray of holiday sunshine!
So, lemme get this straight, no pun intended.
We're as bad as the deforestation of the rainforest; we caused 9/11; and we're responsible for Katrina.
Among other things.
Why then oh why can't we get a decent gay marriage law enacted in California.
Damn our abuse of power!!
But I gave up McDonald's Hamburgers...Happy to be gay and living in sin in California
Well, who knew you were out plucking leaves from trees and hoarding pine needles??!!
Let's me get this right: The Pope said this wearing a dress, a frilly cape and a tulip shaped hat, while being escorted by a bunch of young men. I wonder what he wore to the after-party?
Anon - And don't forget the red Prada slippers. Miss Thang NEVER leaves the house without them.
*sigh* Why must I kept reminding people?
Excuse me, um Mr. Pope:
BTW I am Catholic. Went to Catholic school and everything. I don't go to church anymore because I can't stand to hear this kind of nonsense.
Someone throw a bucket of water on it.
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