Everyone's favorite Top Chef PapaBear - Tom Colicchio - was sued this week by a waitress who claims Tom and his Craft restaurants misappropriated tips and failed to pay earned wages. Read the story from the New York Times HERE.

Thanks to Blogging Top Chef for the heads up.

Thanks to Blogging Top Chef for the heads up.
I can't imagine that our adorable Papa Bear would allow such goings on, although I guess it would only take one bad descision by one stupid employee...
i am kinda disappointed b/c i was hoping for somet juicier (it would be the fulfillment of a fantasy to find out tom was a "grabber", LOL), but now i just feel bad for tom b/c he was just thrown on there as an attention grabber...
oh, did i tell you we have a craft opening up here? it's in buckhead on the bottom part of some super-fancy condo building. i am srsly hoping tom c. makes a celeb appearance!
She worked there for about two months... seems odd to me. I'm suspicious!
Say it ain't so, Tom! I made myself shudder typing that.
It does sound suspicious and also what someone else can do and implicate our Tom Bear.
Tom's innocent!
NO WAY!!!! I refuse to believe that! NOT TOM!!! Is he straight? cuz I have a serious crush on him...not that it would matter! ;)
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