Little Britain USA is an American spinoff of the British BBC series Little Britain, which stars David Walliams (below left) and Matt Lucas (below right). It is a brilliant sketch comedy, with Walliams and Lucas playing most of the characters. The picture below is of characters "Lou and Andy" - British tourists visiting the United States.

One of my favorite characters is transvestite "Emily Howard", below. "She" walks around saying "I am a LADY", although everyone knows that "she" is a man. When asked where "she" is from, Emily always replies "from the Olden Days!". When asked what "she" does, she replies "I am a LADY, I do LADY things ... I bathe in rose petals ... I skip through meadows ... I play the harp..."

But my favorite character is "Carol Beer" (below) - the nasty receptionist at a Pennsylvania hospital. She is rude to the patients, and is constantly consulting her computer monitor. "Computer says NO!" is her favorite phrase.

You can catch old episodes on HBO, and HBO On-Demand. There are only six shows, but they are well worth your time.
i *LOVE* lil britain tho i have not seen the US version... my fave character is one that matt lucas plays "the only gay in the village"; i know that's in the original and i sincerely hope that its in the US version.
i must admit to a teensy crush on david walliams and despite his claims of straighthood, i sometimes wonder... matt lucas is def out-and-proud, tho i think he's adorable too; he and his partner have been together for about 20 years.
I LOVE this show...so damn funny can't wait for it to return
OMG...how great! I don't think I have HBO. I'll have to find someone who does and watch 'em on demand or wait for them to come out on DVD.
Did Bubbles Deveere visit the States, too?
I loved Little Britain (the British one) for the first few episodes - then they all started to get predictable and seem kind of mean.
Bubbles Devere is pretty funny, though - if a little hideous. Sebastian is pretty fucking hilarious, too, and of course Daffyd.
I also love the clips of the pol giving press conferences with his "family" by his side about his latest homosex scandal. A spot-on send-up, and all too close to home for our many, many closeted family values Repiggies here in the U.S.
... yes but no but yes but ... no but - yes! so well worth one's time! love - love - love little britain (which is part of my little dvd collection)!
Lou and Andy give me the willies! I'll stick with my two favs,Keeping Up Appearances and Are You being Served
LUV LB, best show on TV
PS Computer says no
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