It seems that Britain's Prince Harry gets sexier, while Prince William gets ... hairier (except on the top of his head). See more royal holiday pictures from Dlisted HERE.

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I just can't get over how much William looks like Diana and Harry looks like her bodygaurd or whatever he was!!! ;)
True. The rough look?
Bringing Candle Making Home
Royal hotties. This old man has impure thoughts about the both of them! Williams beard is sexy. Lets see the pics of his willy again. Yeah!!!
Wow. I wasn't digging the beard at first, but the more I look at it, the more I like it. I'm such a mom though. I look at those boys and see the toddlers they once were.
I detect a resemblance to George V in the bearded future king who, imho, looks way hotter WITH the facial fur.
LOL with Beth.
Harry is way hot.
Harry is a pretty boy.
I always thought Harry would be more fun to be around. Looking at them makes me miss Diana even more.
She did lots of things that helped the Royal Family become more up to date. How does fannying around, crying lots, marrying a jug eared mumbler, f**king Will Carling, filling up my TV with “portraits” of herself, getting mangled and making me miss a weeks television whilst praying for the death of a major song writing artist, help anything?
...MORE AT lifestyleguides.blogspot.com
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