This "straight" model, who is suing gay magazine Genre and well-known photographer Rick Day. Apparently Mr. Asshat went to Mr. Day to be photographed, supposedly thinking the photos were just for his portfolio. But when the photos were published in Genre, this "model" says he was subjected to advances from strangers who "solicit him for homosexual sex." Girl, puh-leeez - get over yourself. Furthermore, his attorney stated that "It's definitely put him in a class where he's going to have difficulty obtaining contracts for family-related shows". "Family-related shows"?!? What is it, 1959?!? Read more HERE.
Remember, this lawsuit is not about the photographer USING the pictures (because Mr. Asshat most definitely signed a release allowing the photographer to use them however he wants) - it's about the photographer using the pictures in a GAY magazine. Because now the fags all want to have butt sex with Mr. Asshat. Gag.
So I looked through Mr. NeverGonnaGetWork's MySpace page, and these three pics sent my Gaydar into overdrive. I mean really, a "Free Lil Kim" T-shirt?!? ...

Oh Mary - look at her clutching that cocktail!! It looks like Miss Thang ain't ready to admit some thangs ...
I know I might sound mean, but this kind of crap pisses me off. It's 2008, for goodness sake! If you have a problem with The Gays, DO NOT go to a photographer who is known for his homoerotic photoshoots, sign a release form, and then get upset when your pictures show up in a gay magazine. BE HAPPY for the exposure, you ASSHAT!
And if you are actually gay, and taking this to court to "prove" that you are not - then you are a HUGE ASSHAT.
GET IT David Dust!! So true.
Contracts for family-related shows?? WTF?? Spare me. Looks like Miss Thing's pretty familiar with "family-related" shows.
Let's get Geoff Begnaud to kick her "not gay" ass.
Amen sista!!!
Gay face!!!!!
From the rook of one of those pictures, I think our asshat is a rice queen!
He's a embarrassment to true asshats every where. Cause that boy there there is def a pillow biter
omg david THANK YOU for calling this guy out... its like that kid from the blog last week except even worse (b/c this asshole wants to get the judicial system involved).
oh, and yeah... bitch needs to come on outta that closet b/c she is not fooling anyone. in the pic w/ the 'free lil kim' shirt, she looks like she is wearing lipstick and eye makeup. i hope her narcissistic ass googles and finds your blog. wouldn't that be delish?
PS: what 'family-related shows' even hire male "models"? hello? you can still get a reality show for god's sake...
You go, David!
If he signed a release indicating the photos can be used at the photographer's discretion, he has no legal leg to stand on.
Isn't it amazing how guys look so NOT hot after you discover they're asshats?
Mark :-)
I love reading your blog.
I just wish you would post more pictures and randomness of yours more often! :-)
You keep my boring day at work more entertaining and less boring!
Me thinks the lady doth protest too much!
I agree with you 100%, David. Just what market do these guys think they are posing for anyway? Yeah, I've been making jokes about yearning for them but women just aren't that into paper penises. If you have a problem with gay men looking at your photos, keep your clothes on guys and don't oil up your muscles.(Though why anyone would have a problem with it eludes me.)
what's wrong with loving asian boys, miss ginger grant?
i think this boy has a pretty face -- the body is just ok.
did the article say he has a degree in molecular biology? oh well, at least he's not just dumb decoration like most of the white meat you feature on these pages.
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