Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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Girl-you couldn't have picked a better title for this post. You took the words out of my mouth!
Dan pretty much did the exact same post also. :)
I'm with you on this one. Though I will say, it took some courage to finally admit it after denying it for SO long. I would love to know what Kathy Griffin is saying!
Knowing Kathy and the Gays, they will probably be bestest girlfriends now.
And Jennie, you are right about it taking courage. I shouldn't belittle anyone for coming out - everyone has their own process.
But CLAY AIKEN?!? Come on, it's just TOO easy to be snarky.
Perfect! Yes, you have to be snarky about him. I mean, really!
As someone who has been out for a very long time, I remember the struggle to do just that - come out. That is not a time I remember fondly. After all the denying he had done, it had to be that much harder to come out. Good for him for doing it now.
Dang, I didn't see that one coming... Kidding....
Uh, FINALLY I'll be able to sleep at night, now that the big mystery of Clay Aiken's sexuality has been uncovered.
Mark :-)
Yeah, but what's k.d. lang doing on the cover of that there magazine?
Yep, that is so what I thought when I heard about the People mag coming out too. But why use the baby as an accessory? Two totally different subjects.
I hate to say it, but I'm now kind of intrigued to read the article. David, you're absolutely right that everyone has their own process, and it takes some people longer than others -- especially if you're in the public eye, I suppose. There are some like Neil Patrick Harris that manage to do it with class and aplomb, and others, well, maybe not so much. So congrats to Clay for finally manning up.
Kathy Griffin does love her gays, so I too will be very interested to see her reaction to this. Too bad she is not currently filming her show. But keep in mind that she never made fun of Clay or anyone for BEING gay -- she made jokes about Aiken, Seacrest, etc. for their ludicrous attempts to maintain that they are NOT gay, despite some good evidence to the contrary. Oh honey, please!
Love your blog, btw! Keep up the great work!!
is it just me or does that baby look like a little alien?...
now if only Ricki Martin would come out..
Trust me, I'm with you! I laughed pretty hard when I saw this post. All those poor little "claymates!"
"But why use the baby as an accessory? Two totally different subjects."
I'm so with you on that one, Kwana. I can never understand why celebrities put their kids' faces out there for the world to see. And in this case, the two events shouldn't coincide. One debut at the time, please!
Can I see the hands of everyone who was surprised by this?
Mark :-)
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