Attention all California Dust Bunnies. In just a few weeks we will all go to the polls to vote for president and other elected offices. But in California, you will also be voting on whether or not to PROHIBIT gays and lesbians from legally getting married - as they/we are currently. If this law passes, it will amend the California Constitution to PROHIBIT two people who love each other and want to commit to each other from doing so. It will make DISCRIMINATION the law of the land in California by inserting discriminatory language into the state constitution.
I AM ASKING ALL OF YOU WHO LIVE IN CALIFORNIA TO VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 8. Please tell your friends - this is so very important in the movement toward equality for all.
Both sides have been mobilizing and fundraising for and against Prop 8. The Mormon Church has come out swinging to pass this amendment, and has instructed its 770,000 California church members to vote yes and end gay marriage in the state. At last count, the pro-discrimination forces have out-raised us, $17 million to $11 million. Brad Pitt recently kicked in $100,000 for the NO ON 8 campaign - and gay millionaire and former Mormon Bruce Bastian donated $1 million to help offset some of the efforts of his former church. But in the end, we will probably lose the money battle - so we MUST make sure everyone who believes in equality votes NO ON PROP 8 on Election Day.
If you live in California (and even if you don't) CLICK HERE and sign the pledge to vote NO ON PROPOSITION 8.
I promise EXTRA FUNNY RECAPS, AND EXTRA HOT HOTTIES if my Cali Dust Bunnies come through! Dust Bunnies EVERYWHERE are counting on you!!
I AM ASKING ALL OF YOU WHO LIVE IN CALIFORNIA TO VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 8. Please tell your friends - this is so very important in the movement toward equality for all.
Both sides have been mobilizing and fundraising for and against Prop 8. The Mormon Church has come out swinging to pass this amendment, and has instructed its 770,000 California church members to vote yes and end gay marriage in the state. At last count, the pro-discrimination forces have out-raised us, $17 million to $11 million. Brad Pitt recently kicked in $100,000 for the NO ON 8 campaign - and gay millionaire and former Mormon Bruce Bastian donated $1 million to help offset some of the efforts of his former church. But in the end, we will probably lose the money battle - so we MUST make sure everyone who believes in equality votes NO ON PROP 8 on Election Day.
If you live in California (and even if you don't) CLICK HERE and sign the pledge to vote NO ON PROPOSITION 8.
I promise EXTRA FUNNY RECAPS, AND EXTRA HOT HOTTIES if my Cali Dust Bunnies come through! Dust Bunnies EVERYWHERE are counting on you!!
Just voted NO and would like to suggest to other CA voters to vote no on Prop 7.
LB anon
If any of your Cali Dust Bunnies (besides me) knows where to get a dang yard sign, post the info here. My spousal equivalent called the campaign office, but they told him that they could only mail him one and that it would take five weeks.
To those in California who are going to be of course voting "NO" on Proposition 8, I beg of you to also vote on another proposition!
PLEASE vote "YES" on Proposition 2
Voting "YES" will ease the suffering of millions of farm animals now confined in tiny crates on factory farms and suffering terribly!
This is not an anti-meat proposition! This proposal would among other things ban the caging of farm animals such as pigs, chickens, and cows. PLEASE vote "YES" on Proposition 2!
Do it for the animals!
PS - Sorry, David, if my comment is not allowed. Please delete if so.
Lets all hope the no vote wins!!
Meg-have you contacted any organizations that support Prop 8. They sometimes have them or can get them.Worst case- make a lovely sign from scatch. Bigger the better!
To ski-
I will definitely be voting YES on Prop 2. Animal cruelty to me is the very lowest form of behavior. I do happen to be a vegetarian and am pleased to know my eco footprint is lowered because of that.
Go Progressives!!!!
LB anon
As many of you know the Mormons are one of the largest financial backers of the attempt to pass Proposition 8. The Mormon Church has been putting extreme pressure on its members to support the amendment.
I am a Mormon High Priest in good standing in the church, and I am offended that our church would take such a horrible stance. There are many other Mormons, who also disagree with the Mormon Church, and many of us have begun to speak out on websites such as Signing for Something, http://www.signingforsomething.org/blog There are many other Mormons who also oppose our church's stance, but assume they are the only Mormons on the planet who disagree with the church leadership. I am not a regular reader of your blog, but am posting here in hopes that perhaps at least a few Mormons are, and might learn that they are not alone in their opposition to the leadership of the Mormon Church on this issue.
Thank you.
i have to admit that i've had one too many margaritas (hurricanes & margaritas...both are risk of living in Texas). we would love to have this issue in Texas, but since I live in one of the most repressed states it most likely will not happen that I have the option of marrying my partner of 14 yrs in the state of Texas. get out and vote in CA and give the rest of us repressed homos hope that we to can fuck up the sanctity of marriage, like the heteros. sorry, its the tequila talking.
thanks sooo much for this blog post on the vote no on 8 ... west coast dust bunny & west coast dust bunnies-in-training will continue to get the word out.
I am so PISSED about this! You know I will be voting no and I made a damn sign for my lawn. Plus, I wore my t-shirt grocery shopping after ironing on the "VOTE NO ON PROP 8." Got called a "stupid fag lover" and felt pretty good about it. Even told the stupid redneck thank-you and that she should have a blessed day. I think I confused her.
don't know if you have seen this t.v. ad - it's a no on 8 ad, which sums it all up nicely.
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