Where The Wild Things Are was my favorite book as a young child, and I can still picture it's exact location on the bottom row at Steven's Elementary School library. I can also remember that once I got older, the librarian told me I should start looking at books on some of the higher shelves, but I ignored her and kept reading my favorite book.
Today I found out that Maurice Sendak, the book's author, was/is gay. Read the story from Towleroad here.
awwwww i <333 'where the wild things are'... that was one of my all-time fave picture books (right up there w/ 'polar express')!
I can hardly type, my eyes are so blurred with tears. It is so moving to read about a love so long-lasting and the grief of the remaining partner when one passes on. Maurice Sendak is a brilliant author and artist and a gift to children (and adults) everywhere. I read his books to my children on a regular basis. My favorite was In The Night Kitchen.
When I saw this post I thought it would be about this weekend!
Looove that book...I still own a copy...I'm thinking that it's shoved into an unpacked box in the garage...hmmm, time to dig her out?
Ha ha...its gets funnier every year as we find out the books we have been teaching are by gay authors. I'll bet in the 60s had our town fathers known that, a slew of books would have disappeared from the shelves.
I vaguely remember reading that book... I just can't remember what the book is about.
I love that book. It's one of the best books ever.
I'm still waiting for the Wild Rumpus to start.
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