Yesterday I told you about Dust Bunnies for Obama, the ActBlue page I set up for DavidDust readers to contribute to the Obama campaign.
I would like to thank the person who matched my $50 contribution yesterday - and I implore some others to jump on board. Even a $10 donation will help.
Think of it this way - I spend hours and hours each week trying to put together an entertaining blog for you all, and I'm finally asking for something in return. Not for me, but for this country. This election is too important for us to lose, and money is the most important tool to help build a victory.
We have only 8 weeks to go before election day - and I am going to be bugging the shit out of you all to contribute until then. Again, I'm sorry for this - but I don't ask for much. For those of you who have already contributed to the Obama campaign elsewhere - THANK YOU. You know who you are, and there is no need to justify anything to me. But for any and all of you that can afford a $10.00 charge to your credit card, and haven't donated ANYTHING yet - please take 1 minute and donate through the Dust Bunnies for Obama ActBlue page.
CLICK HERE to go to the Dust Bunnies for Obama page. Let's try and get 3 new donors today. Remember, even $10 will help!
FYI - ActBlue is an online clearinghouse that funnels money to Democratic candidates (especially progressive ones) at the federal and state level. Many of the progressive/liberal blogs (Daily Kos, MyDD, AmericaBlog) utilize ActBlue as a place where their readers can concentrate their donations - thereby letting candidates know that the progressive blogosphere matters. Since 2004, ActBlue has raised over $63 million for Democrats.

David you have supplied me with countless hours of amusement. You make me laugh. I am currently not working so I only made a small contribution.
Mary -
There is absolutely no such thing as a "small contribution". Thank you from the bottom of my heart. DUST BUNNY GOLD STAR today for Mary!!!
What about the rest of you?!? Wouldn't you like me to stop groveling and begging?!? Then donate today! Just 2 more contributors (of ANY size) will shut me up ... for awhile.
I PROMISE I will contribute on Friday. Do I get points for arranging Drama Queen's volunteering for his campaign to fulfill her community service req?
Jennie - You ABSOLUTELY get points for that.
BTW, why does DQ have to do community service - did she get arrested AGAIN?!? :)
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