Str8 Up With A Twist blogger (and Dust Bunny) Timmy has been blogging from his home in Houston about Hurricane Ike. Apparently, things there are pretty bad - he hasn't had power since Friday, and a fence fell on his car. He said the storm was worse than they ever thought it would be.
Dust Bunny Miss Ginger Grant has escaped Houston and gone to Atlanta - check out her blog HERE to see pics of the flooding/devastation before she left.
Please send prays and positive thoughts in Houston's direction - they could use it. I would also love to hear from all my Houston Dust Bunnies (MOF, AlnHouston) to see if they are OK. Please check in if you can. If I missed anyone, I apologize - please know that we are thinking about you!
Hang in there.
You are a good man Charlie Brown (my grandfather used to say that). Living in Florida I have selfishly been relieved that Ike missed us here but I needed the reminder about how bad others have it. You are truly a civic minded person. All that and Gay camping too; my how well rounded you are. Sending a check to Red Cross as we speak. Later tater.
hi david. I wussed out and got the hell out of houston the next afternoon after Ike bitched slapped us (went to Dallas...so thankful for wonderful friends), Timmy is a stronger person than I for staying. It will take some time, but Houstonians are a tough bunch (except for me:) keep the positive energy coming. thank you.
AlnHouston - I'm so glad you are ok.
Tivo Mom - I am defintely "rounded". I'm not sure about well-rounded. :)
Do we know if the devastation in Texas is all from Ike or if there are levee issues like they had with Katrina?
Joy -
That's a good question - and I'm not sure of the answer. I do know, from reading Dust Bunny blogs, that Houston got TONS of rain after the hurricane had already saturated the ground. So it may have just been good old fashioned flooding.
Anybody know the answer?
Hey, David! I’ve been busy putting all my photos and valuables back in place. Matagorda County was one of the first to be placed on mandatory evac so we were outta here early. I live about 10 miles from the coast and as of Wednesday night, we were predicted to take the direct hit. We went up to Canyon Lake (kinda between Austin and SA) with my sister’s family and my dad. This WONDERFUL woman rented the entire lodge to evacuees and made us all a big ol’ barbecue out near the Guadalupe River. My dad was SO out of his element. Mom’s birthday was Sunday and he just wanted to cry all day. The owner took him out to the picnic table and rounded up a big domino game just for him and kept us all laughing.
The storm, of course, passed west of our house so I only got a few shingles knocked off and some limbs down from my trees. I have a bunch of relatives from places like Galveston, Kemah, Texas City, and LaPorte who haven’t gone back yet. They can’t. Even my cousin way north of Houston is still without power and will be until the 21st or so. My nephew is a Galveston College baseball player and he’s been given no timetable as to when he can return to class, much less on when there will be housing for him. Anyway, all of my Houston/Galveston family is physically safe and sound. The clean-up will be a chore but the Hubster, the boys, and I will go up and help them get back to normal. Houston is an amazing city and one that I love very much. I have to say that all the folks I’ve heard on the radio and the relief efforts I’ve seen on television make me proud to be a Texas gal. Texans are just about the most wonderful folks in all the world.
Cuz - Thank you SO MUCH for checking in and sharing your story. I am so very glad that you and your loved ones are safe.
Your poor Dad - smother him with hugs and love - he raised one hell of a gal.
And you are right - Texans ARE strong - Mama Bunny is one of you.
Joy and DD:
thanks for your concern and good wishes. It is still horrible in Houston and the death count in Galveston is just beginning. You can see all the latest details at www.chron.com. Last I heard Timmy still didn't have power, along with 1.46 million other Houstonians. The total power outtage is like 7 million people across all the states affected by Ike- his effects reached all the way to Ohio and the midwest! He was a sumbitch! If there are Dust Bunnies from which you haven't heard, it may just be because they can't get to a computer that works. Louisiana is still trying to restore power from Gustav, and between outtages in Baton Rouge and the Houston area, 99% of the country's refineries are offline. And to add insult to injury on Bolivar Peninsula, a tiger got loose from a wildlife park and is roaming the county. And he hasn't been fed since Thursday.
Stopping by via Miss Ginger's blog. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her fellow Gulf coasters!!
All my best,
Hey David. I'm in Houston and we stayed. I've lived here my entire life and never seen it so bad. We were lucky. We only had a few missing shingles, a few leaks in the roof and some torn up plants in the yard. We are still without electricity but luckily have family members who never lost power who've opened their home to us. Thanks for your kind words and positive thoughts.
This is the first time that I've been able to check your blog because we're still without power at home. We only had some shingles taken and tree limbs down but nothing too terribly big. Our garage roof is freaky though on one side because it looks like it was peeled back about a quarter way.
So, since we still have no electricity, I missed Project Runway last night - bummer!!! Breathlessly awaiting your recap!
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