My "sister" Maddie's "Boy Toy" is now officially a "Man Toy" - Curt turns 30 this weekend! Happy Birthday dear!!! Here I am with the birthday boy ... er, MAN a few months ago...

And below is a picture of the happy couple - Curt (left) and Maddie (right). I certainly hope Maddie "puts out" this weekend - those young ones need A LOT of ... you know ... ATTENTION...

I like that t-shirt and wish I'd been made in Ireland. It reminds me of this silly thing that guys used to say to me in college:
'Twas the night before Christmas
Everyone was making merry
Merry left so
Everyone jumped for Joy
Ha, ha!
Whoo Hoo! Happy Birthday, Curt. Welcome to your Flirty Thirties.
and thanks for the card Tranny....I love you so.
Awwww, thank you! You're very kind.
I always liked older guys and found them more...um..interesting. Or something.
So I'm hoping (and using a lot of moisturizer, but mostly just hoping) I'm on my way to being one of those hot, entertaining older guys. :)
Happy birthday to Curt!
Mark :-)
Happy 30th Curt. Enjoy.
I'll be 30 on Halloween. It getting me sorta depressed as I'm entering my last month in my 20s.
Happy Birthday, Curt! Hope you have a wonderful year!
Happy Birthday, Curt!
In celebration of the event, and your becoming a man and all that, I guess I will have to blow something in your honor.
God, I remember turning 30. Well, I sorta do, anyway. And I am not sure if it is the alcohol or age talking.
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