David Oliver won the bronze medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics in the 110 m Hurdles. I remember seeing him on TV and thinking "oh my goodness, he is GORGEOUS!". He is also a Blogger - you can check out his blog HERE.

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OMG.....HOT! I want his body.
Singing, "Black Man, Black Man!" in my best Bernice voice. (does this count, Dan?)
Darling Bernice -
Is it time for the drool cup?!?
You might have to bring it on! Where's the bend I will be going around soon? And the pale I'll go beyond? The rocker I'll go off? What else is there?
seeeeeee???? Now THAT is the reason I like Black Men!!!!
i follow track & field, so i knew of david oliver before the olympics. he's a big guy, but he's so tall and his arms so long that it makes his biceps look too small, doesn't it? anyway, seems to be a nice guy in addition to being so hot.
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