Joe.My.God posted this neat map, which shows how people in different parts of the country refer to our favorite fizzy carbonated beverages. Pennsylvania, where I grew up, is split - people in Western PA (Pittsburgh) say "pop", but people in Central PA (where I'm from) and Eastern PA (Philadelphia) say "soda". We also call it "soda" in New York. Click on the map to enlarge.
Tell me what you call 'soft drinks' in the comments...
Definitely soda.
That map is right for TN except for the stray Yankees who must have skewed our results. Here in the South, we call all of them Coke ("Would you like a Coke? What kind?") and sometimes ask, "Do you want a cold drink?"
mostly soda, sometimes coke, NEVER pop.
As Joy stated it is always Coke in the South. Or we use the names...Cheerwine, Sun-Drop whatever you might be having. Since I moved to Florida i have learned to deal with either Pop or Soda but I still have not been converted.
Soft drink, coke, pop or soda, they all work in Calif. the land of transplants....but for me,
it's always coffee....only drink bubbles if it's champagne.
LB anon
TivoMom -
What is Cheerwine and Sun-Drop?
Oh you must try both if you ever get the chance. Sun-Drop is sweeter than a Mountain Dew and made in the Carolinas. Cheerwine is like Cherry Coke but again sweeter. Maybe you need a road trip.
TivoMom -
A road trip sounds like fun - and I could hit every Arby's along the way!!
If you are going to do Arby's then you also must try Bojangles. There is nothing better than a Cajun chicken fillet biscuit combo with seasoned fries and a sweet tea. One of the many things I miss since moving to South Florida two years ago.
I say "pop".,when I lived in California, they said "soda" and knew I was from out of state cuz I said "pop"....whatever. It's POP!!!
I grew up calling it pop, but at some point I began using soda. What's funny is that we were having this EXACT discussion on the message board I chat on, called "QTS" (Queens Talking Shit). A couple friends from the South call it Coke, to which the general reply is "what kind?" My question was "so if you ask for Orange Juice," is the general reply "what kind" at which one would answer "apple" or "orange" or "grape?" It's not all Coke. Stop the madness!!! :-)
's nice to know "Coke" lives on, LOL. My father and his family were from the South and they called everything "Coke." Used to get on my nerves. Now it's one of those endearing things I miss about my Pops (dad) since he passed away.
Living here in Central Pa and raised in Philly, you're right, we say "soda." I do know some PA folk that say "Soda-Pop" though, but most of them are originally from Western PA.
Keeeewl, somebody else knows about Sun-Drop. I think the stuff is dreadful (like Mtn Dew) unfortunately. Anybody remember Nehi soda?
It's pop. I don't call it soda.
It's what we do - like all tissues are Kleenex; all photocopiers are Xerox; and surely there's something else.
In MI we say pop or use the name- coke, diet coke, etc.
Pop seems a pretty innocous title for a carbonated beverage, but I cannot stand to hear it said in that really Yankee-fied nasal twang. PAAAP is what my Chicago grandma called it.
My Texas grandma always calls it sodawater. All one word. Most Texans say it's a coke.
"You wanna coke?"
"What kind?"
"Dr. Pepper."
Yeah, it borders on madness, but Texans have always been "differnt"
Funny! I say Coke and soda but have never lived anywhere where "soda" is more popular. Hubby says pop.
Pop all the way in Chicago.
I say pop and was persecuted ruthlessly for it at my east-coast college. Saying 'pop' became a badge of defiance: "I think I'm gonna go get a pop" was code for "you suck, New York scum!"
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