I was going to post this on Wednesday as a "look for my recap tomorrow" reminder post - but that never happened. Furthermore, I won't be writing a recap this week - I couldn't be funny if I tried.
Please read Tom and Lorenzo's hard-hitting commentary about Stankley over at Project Rungay. It was written after last week's episode, but nothing has changed - Kenley is as stank as ever.
P.S. Am I the only one who is LOVING Korto right now?!?
Please read Tom and Lorenzo's hard-hitting commentary about Stankley over at Project Rungay. It was written after last week's episode, but nothing has changed - Kenley is as stank as ever.
P.S. Am I the only one who is LOVING Korto right now?!?
I adore Korto. She betta win.
I hate Kenley with a passion. She is a horrid brat. I wonder how many times she got beat up in school.
You are not alone. Love me some Korto. Have for many weeks.
And Stankley? Girl makes me want to break out a dirty fork or something.
Amber's going to miss Suede.
No, I have been developing quite the girl crush on Korto. She is fierce. But I love Jerell too, so I'm really torn. How much fun was it to see Mr. Gunn take Stankley down a notch or two? I actually rewound that part and the Nina's runway smackdown to watch again and again!
Korto better be everyone's favorite right now.
If anyone wants a fresh recap after reading the Rungay one, come on over.
I've loved Korto since the beginning. I think she's the best designer of the bunch.
Korto has been my favorite and assumptive winner for several weeks now.
Loving Korto, too. She did well.
I HATE Stankley so much! Her attitude is horrible. Bring on the dirty fork NOW! I loved it when Korto said she couldn't wait till tomorrow! And go Nina!
Suede gets on my nerves, too, but Stankley should have gone this week. That was so not hip hop, and she blamed Leanne! And rolled her eyes!!! She definitely should have GONE HOME! All of it was horrible and so was she.
I didn't think Leanne did so well with that country look, either.
Aha!! I'm watching Craig Ferguson right now, and Tim Gunn is on there and agrees with me that Stankley should have gone home this week. YES!! Craig said he thought she should have been GONE and Tim agreed. Now I'm happy but would be happier if she'd actually been auf'd.
Yes, loving Korto. Hating Stankley. This week rocked my world and not in a good way.
I can not f'ing believe they sent Suede home instead of Kenley! I mean, Suede has never been a fave, but his outfit was much closer to its musical genre than Kenley's outfit.
PLUS - she argued with Tim AND Nina!!!
Mark :-)
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