Monday, December 8, 2008

Penn State Swimmers Take It Off For Charity

Read the story from the Daily Collegian (for which I wrote back in 1989) HERE. In my day, a few of Penn State's swimmers were extremely ... uh ... FRIENDLY. Trust me.


the dogs' mother said...

Bless their hearts.
Used to be on a swim team... :-)

Anonymous said...

Like to have been there...there goes my pension check.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a story is involved here. I think I would like visual aids with it. :-)

Angel said...

oh honey, I just BET they were!!!!! you are sooooo bad!

Mark in DE said...

Anything for charity, right?

Mark :-)

Miss Ginger Grant said...

So where are the REAL pics??? without the jeans!?

Dwight Supremacy said...

Yeah, read about this the other day. Friendly, eh? Hawt!

Clyde said...

I hope Penn State wins the Rose Bowl due to charitable activities off the field!

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