Monday, February 23, 2009

A "Bad Gay" Talks About the Oscars

I am a bad Gay. I am a bad Gay because I don’t really like awards shows – especially the Oscars. I really don’t care much about the fashions (BAD Gay!), and I did not see one nominated movie from last night’s ceremony - not even Milk (BAD Gay!). In all honesty, I only saw one movie in a movie theater this past year – and it was Madagascar II (VERY Bad Gay!).

But I must say, the parts of last night’s Oscars I watched last night were pretty good. I thought Hugh Jackman’s opening number (with the charismatic Anne Hathaway, below) was fantastic. Whether Jackman is gay, straight, or bi – he is a natural song-and-dance man. I had the pleasure of seeing "Huge Ackman" (thanks Bob!) on Broadway in The Boy From Oz, and he was phenomenal. And I'm not one of those Queens who drools over Mr. Jackman's physical beauty (BAD Gay!), because I'm not as fond of the White Meat as some of you good Gays.

However, the musical number with Beyonce/Sasha Fierce and Miss Zac Ephron was HORRIBLE. Michael K, the hysterical blogger at DListed was live-blogging last night – although he calls it “Drunkblogging”. Here are a couple of his comments:

“This shit isn’t even good enough for a Carnival Cruise ship”. And when Beyonce broke into a couple of bars of “At Last”, Michael exclaimed “WTF?!? Etta James just fucking exploded!!!” Maybe I should “Drunkblog” the finale of Tool Academy?...

Anywhoo, Dustin Lance Black’s (below left, with Cleve Jones) acceptance speech made me sob. Mostly because I wish someone had said those words on an Oscar telecast when I was a little gay kid. And Sean Penn also made me cry when he talked about Proposition 8.

But the highlight of the evening was Sophia Friggin Loren. Go ahead and diss her Annie Oakley Gold Rush Hooker gown all you want. That bitch is 74 years old! She can wear whatever the HELL she wants! And when Ms. Loren put her hand on her hip before honoring Meryl Streep, it was the ultimate Diva Moment. YOU BETTER WORK!!!!


Bob said...

Hey Thanks for the Huge Ackman shout out!
I have told Carlos that I will shelve it for now, but I'm already thinking of all the ways I can use it in my daily life.

"I have a Huge Ackman load of laundry to do."

I'll work on it.

kayce. said...

learned this via the livetweet session of last night's oscars:
the white ribbons worn by Gus Van Sant, Josh Brolin, & Dustin Lance Black were in support of marriage equality.

i am a bad hag b/c i only saw TWO oscar movies, neither of which were milk, but i did see slumdog (lovesit!) and revolutionary road. the oscars were good for a change, but i really wish beyonce would get over the fact that she can't act and leave our poor oscar's in peace. the only logical reason i have for her singing "at last" is either a) she wanted it to get a shout out w/ all the other "great musical movies" and b) she wants to die at the hands of etta james.

the dogs' mother said...

Oh, I'm so a bad blogger - I didn't watch them, haven't seen many of the movies - but I did read Bob's recap and felt like I was there and just *reading* Dustin Lance Black's speech made me tear up.

Angel said...


come on....BRAD AND ANGIE AND JEN???!!! All in the SAME ROOM??!

I have died and gone to Heaven!


Joy said...

Love this post! You hit the high spots and did it justice! Way good! But bad gay!

Love you! Love your Bad Gayness!

Anonymous said...

Oh honey, I'll take a big ol' piece of Huge Ackman if you don't want to!! Grrrrr, where's my big fuzzy wolverine?!

I haven't seen any of the Oscar movies either, but that's mostly out of protest for a local cinema (jacked up prices @ Sundance Cinema), and all those years where I swear the Weinstein Bros. rigged the nominations.

Besides, reading Shilts' book about Milk is more damn fun than some hagiographic biopic anyway.

PS: Also caught Tool Academy for the first time this weekend - if I had the time, I'd totally get sucked in!

Wonder Man said...

pure diva Sophia Loren

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm thinking that Beyonce's little At Last snippet was a middle finger right at Etta. But I didn't watch either, so what do I know?

Kwana said...

Oh how I love thee Bad Guy. I was twittering Oscar night. Hugh and Anne were just great. I so agree with Hugh and Beyonce. WTF? Give another girl a job please.

Loved the whole Sophia in your face vibe!

Mistress Maddie said...

Mamie- you aren't the only bad gay. I can't sit through award shows either and really don't care who wins what. Most of the actors up for awards are all good performers. I only watch to see the fashion and then change the channel. Hugh was very good thought and Sophia was the real gem last night. You hardly see any of old Hollywood there at all.

Anonymous said...

OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE drunkblog the finale of Tool Academy!! That would be amazing :)

I am over BeYAWNce performing at all these events, and in general. I changed the channel the minute I saw her. Did you see her red carpet dress?? Hysterical. Actually it was a travesty, she should really fire her mom as stylist, or just learn to say no.

behrmark said...

I can't argue with anything you said and I love the Oscars!! (Please please go see'll be glad you did.)

Renee said...

I didn't watch the entire show either. I did see Heath Ledger's family accepting his award and that awful musical number. It was simply horrendous! Queen Latifah however, was amazing.

Sophia was freakin' awesome. Total Hollywood glamour. You go girl!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

It's hard to believe those boobs are 74 years old! She looked great!
I haven't seen any of the movies either and only pay attention to the red carpet arrivals. I could care less who wins, and there was not a single snippet that made me think "oh, I've got to run out to a filthy cinema teeming with rude humanity to sit on dirty upholstery with my feet stuck to the syrupy floor" to see that movie!

Sam said...

O.K. Biatch I thought they broke the mold, but you just saved me from going there on the Oscars. The opening was great, I'm not wild about Hugh, The musical number absolutely sucked big time, and that B bitch has sang on Three consecutive oscars, and on two of them she sang more than one song, go back to 5th Ward biatch. Also, my absolutely wet moment was the MISS SOPHIA FUCKING LOREN, someone said she was with 4 other ho's, never seen them, who were they? Thank you for being my bad gay sister, but I did see all the movies nominated. Peace My soul sister.

Mark in DE said...

Mama Mia, Sophia!!!

Anonymous said...

I am alo Badgay, I didnt watch the Oscars, however the only movie I saw in the theater in the past year was Milk, so I am not that bad. I want to relate my celeb sighting of Huge Ackman about 5 years ago at Soba-ya in the East Village--I must say he looks very good in the flesh!

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