Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Do You Need Help With That Package, Sir?...


Marker said...

#2, please!

Nom nom nom nom nom . . .

Anonymous said...

GREAT post D -- "packin" is without a doubt the best word to describe how #5 looks in his Calvins...

Anonymous said...

OMG...OMG...OMG !!!!
You have outdone yourself Mr Dust.
I'll have to steel some of those.

Mark in DE said...

Wow, those are some packages I'd like to unwrap! The last one's my fave.

Mistress Maddie said...

All I have to say is Oh my god!

Angel said...


Can I please please PLEASE have the third guy from the bottom??? WOW! Tranny! Well done!!!!

I love you!


Unknown said...

Oh David there you go again with your posts that inspire my impure thoughts!

Unknown said...

of course they do...

Unknown said...

#2 intrigues me, since I love an intellectual man reading with a huge penis, and #7 because he is gorgeous.

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