Sunday, February 22, 2009

Baby Jesus to be Madonna's Oscar Date?

Madonna is reportedly taking her 22-year-old boyfriend Jesus Luz to the Oscar's tonight. Let's hope she wears sleeves - and he doesn't.

Madonna and the Baby Jesus were seen leaving NYC's Kabbalah Center recently (below). Luz is supposedly so in love with Her Madgesty that he's willing to learn about Kabbalah - even though he comes from a devout Catholic family. Many Madonna-watchers, however, are saying this whole "relationship" is a typical trick to keep Madge in the spotlight.

Hey - Madonna could be doing worse things than banging a 22-year-old Brazilian hunk. Goodness knows I would if I were her. Don't judge, bitches - it's a free country.


Angel said...

oh puleeze!!! they are BOTH using each other....and I'd do the same thing. I think we all would! But please wear sleeves Madonna!! those are some nasty ass arms you got goin on girl!!!

love you Tranny! XOXOXOXOXOX

Anonymous said...

d'you suppose with a name like that, his run will last more than 3 years? or end with an ascension or decension?

Anonymous said...

Oh lord, those arms!

Mistress Maddie said...

I have always been a Madonna fan, huge fan. But she is making such a ass of herself. She needs age with grace like any proper diva should-with class. She should go out of top! Instead she is grasping at straws ! And she is starting to look like shit! That pic is awful!

Anonymous said...


Joy said...

Definitely a symbiotic relationship, but many are! Those arms ... yikes!!!

Wonder Man said...

I still think it's a hoax.

Unknown said...

I hear she's with A-Rod, and that the boy is a decoy- helping HIS career.

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