Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Daddy Of The Day - Rene

This Brazilian Daddy should be enough to warm you up on a cold morning...


Angel said...

oh this one is niiiiiice! it's nice to see an"older" Daddy!

Anonymous said...

sweet Jesus!

kayce. said...

ooooooh!!! i loves the salt & pepper thing that big daddy is working! SOOO hot!

TLo said...

He is HOT!

Eddie said...

As a Latino myself, I'm rather proud that my brother and sisters around the world are so purty.

As for Big Daddy - my beard looks just like his at the moment because I've been too lazy to effing shave.

He is one hot mutha. Thanx for getting my blood flowing in the proper area... lol.


Wonder Man said...

dangerous...but worth it

Mistress Maddie said...

Oh happy day!!! You found my long lost daddy. And what a fine one he is.

Mark in DE said...

Ay Papi! Muy caliente!!!

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