Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Stefan and Fabio at an S&M Club...

Kinky bitches!! Actually, I stole this pic from Amuse Biatch, and I have no idea where it is from, or why Fabio is wearing Catwoman drag. But I happen to know that Fabio also owns a Wonder Woman costume...

Don't forget - Top Chef tonight @ 10:00 pm. Look for my recap tomorrow afternoon.

You can check out preview videos of tonight's New Orleans episode at MinxEats HERE.

>P, b.


Psychomom said...

WTF! Nooooo Fabioooo!

the dogs' mother said...

good grief! Not good looks on him. Not sure why some men can pull it off and some men should just leave the costume in the shop.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm. It's a look and you have to admit, it takes balls. Of course, it would probably look better if you didn't have balls.

Wonder Man said...

that's not cute

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I love Fabio even more now!

Joy said...

He must be a good sport and have some confidence. Not a good luck, but gotta love him!!

Anonymous said...

I believe it. He's not my favorite anyway, cute accent or not,and I beliee he'd do most anything for a photo- just not what some fans want to see. Har de har.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Where to start?! That is just wrong on so many levels!
I wonder where he stands on the "don't call me "tranny" issue?!

Joy said...

Hootie Hoo!! I'm rooting for Carla all the way to Top Chef!

Anonymous said...

Can't help but laugh every time I see those pictures. Got to Love it!!!

Mark in DE said...

I did NOT need to see that.

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