Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Weekend

This weekend was supposed to be all about me cleaning my apartment and getting stuff done. It didn't go quite as expected.

On Friday I decided to shave my head (instead of spending $16.00 at the Barber). I've never done this before, and I mistakenly used the clipper attachment which gives you the shortest cut (I should have used the next one up). Now I look like I just entered Army Basic Training Camp - but I did manage to do a better job than Britney...

On Saturday I got called into work for an "emergency" which I had to handle. Afterwards, I decided to take a trip to lovely Secaucus, New Jersey - home to the nearest Walmart. Every year my dear Dad gives me a gift card to "The Walmart," which I save until I'm really broke. Well, I'm officially broke - so I got on the bus at the Port Authority Bus Terminal for some inter-state shopping.

There are no Walmarts in the five boroughs of NYC, because of the company's anti-union policies. Every time Walmart tries to build a store in NYC, the (pro-union) city-council shoots them down. Now I am as Progressive and pro-union as anyone, but I'm also poor, and would prefer to spend $2.29 for Lean Cuisine Cheese Ravioli - as opposed to $5.00 at the Food Emporium. But we'll save that for another blog post.

I returned to the bus station in Manhattan and walked the 10 blocks to my apartment (carrying 8 Walmart bags). Then I called Kayce - and we ended up talking for two hours. After hanging up with her, my throat felt really scratchy - which I thought was just from me yelling for two hours (I speak REALLY loudly). Now I think I've actually caught my roommate's cold - and I'm feeling crappy today. And I have basically gotten NO cleaning done.

Thank God I bought underwear at Walmart - otherwise I wouldn't have any clean man-panties for work tomorrow. I guess I'll have to do my cleaning/laundry during the week.

What did YOU do this weekend?


mikeinbama said...

Clean up that apartment and stop being a slacker.....hahahaha

the dogs' mother said...

I talked The Engineer into vaccing the stairs. I've ordered Daughter and Friend to attend to me whilst hunting and gathering food at Albertsons. I am washing every item of bedding in the house in anticipation of five visiting males this weekend (two of which belong to me). I am going to grill a bunch of chicken breasts to make salad with for lunches. So better get my troops and head to the store.

Angel said...

nothing as exciting as you Tranny....but I DID go to 5 Guys for a burger last night. and why is was better when I ate it down South?? Oh, it was good,'s just better in Raleigh I guess. Maybe I need Rae to make it taste good? ;)

and I LOVE me some Walmart. I shop there all the time.


Bob said...

Let's see:
I worked.
I raked more leaves in the front yard--do NOT get me started on that--and filled NINE fifty-gallon bags with leaves that I have to take to the recycling center.
Carlos and I grocery shopped.
He cut wood and crawled under the house to check a leak--I do NOT go under the house.
I blogged.
Talked to my dad.
Did about six loads of laundry.

The baby Jeebus would be so proud.

kayce. said...

well, you know how i spent (am spending) my weekend... working on my vday dessert, trying (mostly successfully) to keep my hands off the sweets while i am preparing them interspersed w/ short bouts of (bare minimum) cleaning and (a LOT) of interwebz surfing. :)))

oh and talking to this crazy bitch in nyc... OMG, what a handful! =P

kayce. said...

UPDATE: *moderately successful... oh cream cheese frosting, you are a cruel, cruel bitch.

Mark in DE said...

I had a similar weekend in that most of what I hoped I'd get done did not get done. Spouse & I both have colds and have been feeling crappy for a few days, so we didn't push ourselves to do anything this weekend. Fast forward to Fri when our company arrives for the long weekend! Guess we'll be cleaning after work this week, too.

Mistress Maddie said...

I'm just releived you got some new man panties before our arrival girl! A very nice weekend. Beautiful weather, two 8 mile walks and some"other" excerises conspired to make a weekend of fun!

Anonymous said...

Been to The WalMart twice this weekend, Target once, Winco three times. My house is an effin' disaster area. But I'm not sick, so I got that goin' for me. Hope you feel better soon.

William said...

worked saturday, but saw a play tonight at the goodman theatre (downtown chicago). the boyfriend and i are on our way to dollar drinks in boystown.

Anonymous said...

Walked on the lake which is solid frozen , saw the movie "Milk" which was brilliant and very moving, bought some gifts for my trip next week, and ignored the first signs of flu :) hugs from Helsinki

Adirondackcountrygal said...

Oh I sympathise with you having to take the subway to shop and then carry the bags home. That sucks. Glad you got some man panties tho. I love the clean bitch pic, had to snag it!

theminx said...

You probably caught something icky at WalMart. :(

I walked to the grocery store (4 blocks) to get provisions for weekend dinners, spent entirely too much time on Facebook, worked on some blog posts, and started a graphic design project. Typical weekend for me.

Feel better!

Tivo Mom said...

I also felt as if I got nothing done. I don't know how ya'll do it carrying bags for blocks at a time. Maybe this week you will get something accomplished. I know I need to. Happy Monday!

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