Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Westminster Dog Show

The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show opened last night at Madison Square Garden here in New York City. Yesterday, after leaving my favorite Dollar Store, I walked around the corner and passed The Hotel Pennsylvania (below) - which is the host hotel for the show. It is located directly across the street from The Garden, and houses many of the dogs that are in town for the show. And their owners, of course.

There were all kinds of dogs being taken in and out of the hotel as I walked past. I immediately thought of the hysterical movie - Best In Show - and Ed Begley, Jr. (below), who played the hotel Manager. The Hotel Pennsylvania was the inspiration for the hotel in the movie, and the Westminster Show was the inspiration for the "Mayflower Show".

I love Best In Show. The ensemble cast is a riot (Parker Posey - yeeeaaah!)- and they capture the dog mania (and maniacs) that I would imagine surround actual dog shows.


Ruffy said...

I was sucked in last night wathing the dog show on TV and I thought of the same movie- I love that movie! hehehehe

Anonymous said...

LOVED Parker in Boston Legal: http://bostonlegal.wetpaint.com/page/Marlene+Stanger?t=anon- but then again, I'm also a huge James Spader fan. Agreed, BIS was a great movie.

Saw some of Westminster last night after the President spoke; we usually TiVo it and watch with the kids during daylight hours.

Miss Ginger Grant said...

That handler in the first pic is a hottie!

kayce. said...

omg we really must be destined to be besties, LOL... 'best in show' is one of the most hilarious movies in life! parker posey IS hilarious but i also really love jennifer coolidge and jane lynch's characters. actually, what am i talking about? ALL the characters are a fave in one way or another...

do you like "state and main"?

the dogs' mother said...

Rosie and Heidi give it two paws up.

Marker said...

What Ruffy said - same thing here!

Every time I see a West Highland White Terrier I think of Winkie!!

Marker said...

. . . and Miss Ginger is right about the handler!

Marker said...

Am I wrong about Winkie? Maybe he was a Norwich Terrier . . .

(Sorry to spam your comments section this morning David!)

David Dust said...

Miss G and Marker -

Darlings - it wasn't by accident that the Hot Handler pic was first in this post.


mikeinbama said...

I love Best in Show. Great movie.

Joy said...

Me, too! I like all those Christopher Guest movies! The same people are in all of them and just crack me up!

Anonymous said...

Putting Best in Show on my Netflix queue now!

Anonymous said...

I happened to catch the Westminster show as well between frantic events yesterday. I was down to the beagles and the strange huge wolfhound. Of course, Best in Show ran through my mind constantly. i don't know the name of that incredible character actress who always plays the busty,lethargic, big lipped gum chewing vamp parts and in this one the dog owner with the butch lezzie trainer. If you know, clue me in...I love this actress. I sucker for this movie every time it is on.

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