Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dust Bunny of the Week - Miss Ginger Grant

Anytime one of my Dust Bunnies goes above and beyond the call of duty, I believe they should be rewarded. Therefore, it is with a great sense of pride that I present a coveted "Dusty" award to the Dust Bunny of the Week - Miss Ginger Grant.

Most of you know Miss Ginger already. She is our resident fabulous Cajun Drag Queen who gives us fashion advice, makeup tips, and Gumbo instructions. She is also a very loyal Dust Bunny. This was demonstrated during a business trip to Atlanta, where she risked life and limb to take a picture of The Promised Land - also known as Arby's Corporate Headquarters.

Miss G states: "Here at the "W" Hotel in Atlanta, if I hook my right leg over the railing of the balcony, sling my body upside down, and reach as far as I can to the left, I am able to snap this photo of the Mother Ship". See the entire post HERE.

I swear to you, I was eating a baby carrot when I read her post, and I started choking!! Now that I can breathe again, I am beaming with pride at our Dust Bunny of the Week. Congratulations, and please accept this "Dusty" award on behalf of the BunnyNation...

I urge you all to check out Miss Ginger's blog regularly, and become a Ginger Snap. I'm a Ginger Snap - are you???

>P, b.


Adirondackcountrygal said...

Yes indeed I am a Gingersnap too!

Troy N. said...

gingersnaps make me weak in the knees..

Beth said...

I AM a Ginger Snap, and although I was already a fan, I have to say I was impressed at Miss Ginger's willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty. A well-deserved award!

Joy said...

Of course, I'm a Ginger Snap!! Miss Ginger is fabulous! She risked her life for you, David!!! She deserves Dust Bunny of the MONTH!

Love you! Love your friends! xoxoxoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Love MIss Ginger. Love this photo...it is one of the most beautiful faces I have seen. Those eyes with that smile are simply magic.

Renee said...

The Mother Ship LOL! Congrats Miss Ginger!

Anonymous said...

the photo of the Arbys corporate office was actually taken from the Marta Rail Station parking garage across the street .... the W Perimeter is not only to far down the stret but with the curve in the road right past it has no view of the building....

Anonymous said...

Ah, I didn't need to know Anonymous. the picture described was just too funny to let go of.

Sam said...

You Go Girl!

Miss Ginger Grant said...

Actually, you can see the Arby's HQ from the W. 1st of all, Miss G doesn't ride Marta. 2ndly, if you notice, she really is shooting the photo around another building. In places like Atlanta they have these things called hills that allow roads to curve while still allowing a stright view from one high point to another. Anon, you are an asshat.

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