Monday, February 16, 2009

Official Dust Bunny Cocktail: The McNuggetini

The McNuggetini: A McDonald’s chocolate milkshake with vanilla vodka, rimmed with BBQ sauce and garnished with a Chicken McNugget. This will be our official cocktail until someone comes up with an Arbytini. From This Is Why You're Fat.


RAD said...

gggggg gross!

the dogs' mother said...

Dear lord!

I think I have a entree. Daughter's BFF took these wonderfully strong sea salt and vinegar potato chips and melted milk chocolate all over them - her Valentine's Day excess. Didn't have the courage to try them.

Wonder Man said...

that's horrible

Bob said...


Don't mess with my vodka!

kayce. said...

arbytini (it's savory, not sweet):
horseradish sauce mixed w/ vodka and olive juice, rimmed in finely chopped roast beef & served w/ olives and a lemon twist. dee-lightful!

Anonymous said...

i tend to like anything involving certain things which are chocolate and then certain chocolate things nuggets, but this doesnt sound too good.



Joy said...


Marker said...

virtual vomit!

shirlnutkin said...

oh my! i'm speechless and intrigued!

Timmy said...

LOL OMG that is disgusting. LOL

Anonymous said...

That looks so gross, I'm almost tempted to try it! Because I am a 12 year old boy, I suppose.


Jamocha shake blended with a shot of Baileys, served in a chocolate syrup rimmed glass, garnished with a loaded potato bite.


Renee said...


Anonymous said...

this is a hoot.

Mark in DE said...

OMG, I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.

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