Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Remember THIS?...

...and isn't THIS much better?...


Anonymous said...


Bob said...

Much MUCH better.
A President who can actually speak intelligently.
Fabulous change!

Anonymous said...

Not to nitpick (because it is better)...but Pelosi's constant smirking bothers me - and in fact, reminds me of a previous White House inhabitant.

I get politics. And I get the overwhelming desire to say "We were right and we're in charge"...but given the economic circumstances (and given that Congresspeople are somewhat sheltered economically and health care-wise from "regular" people), I'd never advise an elected official to look that happy. At least in that circumstance.

Call me cynical, but I don't believe many of the 535 in that room have a clue as to what we're going to do to get out of this.

Unknown said...

9,522,083 times better...

Anonymous said...

So much better oratorically, but what the hell was Pelosi wearing? A caftan? A jacket?

Anyway, if Obama thinks taking on reform of Health Care is going to be fun, it's going to be a down & dirty catfight if he plans to close tax breaks for agribusiness (and I say that with companies like ConAgra in mind, not family farmers). It's like flushing someone's coke down the toilet, and they're going to be PISSED!

Seeing Shelley O go sleeveless was good....

Angel said...

oh GAWDDDDDDDD....SOOOO much better!!!!

Joy said...

Oh yes!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought I was dreaming last night.
An intelligent, well-spoken and genuine President without Dr. Evil sitting behind him.
What a breath of fresh air!!!!

Bren said...

oh excuse me I had a lil vomit in my mouth!

Unknown said...

does anyone know who are in line of succession? as i remember it should be:

VP (biden)
house speaker (pelosi)

then someone else from the house, then clinton (state secretary)? is that right? then AG?

i think it's really hard to sit there and try to look like you are paying attention to what the president is saying for the entire hour. i for one would not want to have a camera on my face for that long. i wouldn't criticize pelosi for looking whatever she's looking for that hour.

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