Did anyone watch RuPaul's Drag Race last night? I am still laughing at some of the hijinks that went down during the "Rupocalypse"...
- Drag Queens + spinning on a turntable + being squirted with "toxic waste" = TELEVISION GOLD
- Willam (above, left) needs to get over herself. First of all, her manly face resembles Miss Vida Boheme (below) in To Wong Fu ...and that's not a good thing.
- Secondly, the talk of Willam being an "actor" and not a drag queen was annoying. Why be on a drag competition then? I loved it when one of the other queens asked her that same question and Willam couldn't answer.
- Kenya Michaels pronounced "island" as "ICE lan". God bless her.
- My favorite queen? Miss Latrice Royale. If Andre Leon Tally had a rap sheet and decided to do drag, she would become Miss Latrice. Oh the SHADE of it all...
- They pulled a cute stunt making us think that Shangela was coming back.
- Sharon Needles really creeps me out. But even creepier was The Princess hitting on her. Gross
- Favorite line of the night: RuPaul (discussing Jiggly Caliente's runway "look") - "Hoarding is the new black".
Did you watch? What did YOU think??
You betcha we watched!!!
We loved the Zombie Challenge! Always love the humor. There for a moment we thought RuPaul was going to win 'first to kill a contestant' when they put the contestants on a spinning platform, in heels and slippery paint. There is still time!
Next week looks like it could happen - in the wrestling ring. omg!!! And yes we like Latrice because of her backstory and the fact that it looks like she is a shoe-in for the wrestling challenge.
Well girl, YOU KNOW i watched. Now I met Sharon once, and she is wayyyyyyyyyyy out there, But I think she is going to be some tough shit to beat. But she will have to break out her other looks though, which I have seen. Phi Phi has been here too and bitch can perform. But word on the drag vine is she can be way to full of herself, it could do her in. And Princess has a great drag personality and a fierce performer. But I think Jiggley will go pretty far. I enjoyed it! My ones to watch will be Sharon, Kenya, Phi-Phi, Princess, Jiggly, and Madame LaQueer, although Latrice surprised me, but she won't win. And was it me, or was the photo shoot Alexander McQueen gone wrong?
you need to rewatch the untucked. you're factually incorrect. i had an answer for why i wanted to be on it and GAVE it. when Phi Phi had the same question posed, SHE'S the one that didn't answer.
And since i look like Ms Vida Boheme, can my theme song be She's Like The Wind? lol
I loved it! Sharon Needles all the way!!! But some of these girls looked more like Boys In Dresses....
Latrice is definitely one of my favorites too. Finally one of the fat queens might win it all. She'll have to show some real talent too though, attitude isn't enough.
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