Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another Successful Event...

Lord, I don't know HOW I did it, but the attorneys got fed, liquored up, and left happy. The restaurant barely had phone service, but we certainly had enough kick-ass hors d'oeuvres. And the smoke smell dissipated before everyone got there. Thank Jeebus.

On the other hand, I DID stress-eat (I swear I ate an entire sheet-pan of onion tartletts - but DAMN were they good). But I will be back on track tomorrow. In fact, I plan on doing an entire recap of my 1st week of Weight Watchers this Friday. And if all goes smoothly, I'll have good news to report.

But the icing on my stressful cake came at about 9:30 pm, when my mother left me a message saying that she, my grandmother, and my grandfather (who are visiting her from Texas) are taking the train to NYC TOMORROW!!!! They want to see a show and then go back to Mom's house in Pennsylvania afterwards. And also visit with me in the 23 spare minutes they might have between the show and their return train. I was more than a little hysterical when I finally got to speak to Mama Bunny. That woman is certainly full of surprises.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Don't worry about the stress eating. It happens. Get back on that Papi...er, horse.

Deep breaths, my friend.

Joy said...

I'm so glad everything turned out well. I knew you could do it! Just get back on the Welcome Wagon tomorrow and carry on! Make it work!

Love you! Will love reading your WW recap! I see my doctor Friday and will report, too! xoxoxoxoxo

Marker said...

LOL at Jennie. Yes, David, get back on that Papi!

I'm sure you're glad tonight's over work-wise. Way to work it at work.

If it's any consolation, I had dinner at Chipotle. How many points is a barbacoa burrito bowl AND an entire bag of chips PLUS guac? I don't even want to know.

Anonymous said...

Good noose all round then.
23 minutes...But WHERE? and HOW?
Congratulations anyway.

I would say that a drunk lawyer walking away is good. a drunk lawyer walking in would be bad.

Renee said...

LOL Jennie.

Liquored up lawyers = successful event.

Enjoy your visit with Mama and Grandmama Bunny.

Papagayo said...

hey DD- break a leg with the WW- I've never done it but I think the principles are great... it's always hard to change habits but easier when you got a bunch of people behind you. your dust bunnies are here for you papi!

kayce. said...

YEEEEEAH!!! i love when something extra-stressful pulls off w/ out a hitch, then add to that a visit from the fam... a good week. =))

the dogs' mother said...

Stress eating...
you should have seen what I ate when I found a rattlesnake in the basement. Words can't even begin to describe...

Hangeth in there! And give Mama Bunny and the Grandbunnies a hug!

Kwana said...

Oh David, best of luck. I've been on the WW train so long but with you there I fee inspired. I hope you had fun seeing the the parents! No stress only love.

Angel said...

YAYAYAY on everything!!! Mama Bunny! Grandma and grandpa bunny!!!!

I love Jennie!!! HA!

and the stress eating?....ahhhh fuhgetaboutit! Like Jennie says, "Get back on that Papi!"!!!

Anonymous said...

what happened? what did i miss?????

Mark in DE said...

That's right. If/when you fall off the WW wagon, you just get right back on it.

The most common misteak dieters makes is to eat something forbidden and then decide they've ruined their diet so they eat everything bad in sight. My experience tells me you can cheat once in awhile and still lose weight as long as you go right back to your diet.

Good luck!

Mark :-)

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